thanks, I will take these to the demo shop and see if they have anyone of these to demo. I am also looking at the w712 Enzo fat sac for added weight. I will post some pics after Powell...
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Hey surfdad, you interested in giving a little lesson. I would say I'm a solid intermediate. but maybe not. I ride a blue inland and live in sacto area. Pretty sure I need a new board I think I've outgrown this one. I can stay in the pocket for as long as I want, and can crank some pretty good turns. But need some help getting to the next level. pls help
P.S. If it makes a diff I have a houseboat on berryessa and would be glad to host your crew in exchange.
We probably won't make it up to Baryessa anytime soon. If you ever make it to below Sacramento you're always welcome to a pull. During the summer we are usually out twice a week.
Yeah - if you've been on the Blue for a bit, you've mostly likely outgrown it. There are two things which limit the Blue. The first is the fin pod. You'll notice it has no cant or toe and that diminishes lift and tends to cause the board to go straight, makes turns harder. The other is the lack of rocker. The flat rocker does make the board fast, but aerials are pretty tough.
We have a bunch of boards you can'll be amazed at the difference once you ride one.Buy my kid's board!
Originally posted by Surfdad View PostYeah - that board is a slug. That also helps eliminate some of the boards without much drive. My short list for your size and wake - plus a board that is a step up from the LF would include:
Inland Surfer Swallow
Inland Surfer Blue
The Walker Project Composite X 5.0
Shred Stixx Jamako
Smed Wombat
Each of those will offer you more drive that you currently have. The last three are probably the best combinations of speed, drive and manuverability.
The Inland Swallow is preorder only, but the Blue seems to be available everywhere.
I'd think others will chime in, but those would be my recommendations. There are others from Endless Break, Props, etc that I either didn't like or haven't ridden and so can't recommend. I hope that narrows your search down.
Originally posted by Surfdad View PostWe probably won't make it up to Baryessa anytime soon. If you ever make it to below Sacramento you're always welcome to a pull. During the summer we are usually out twice a week.
Yeah - if you've been on the Blue for a bit, you've mostly likely outgrown it. There are two things which limit the Blue. The first is the fin pod. You'll notice it has no cant or toe and that diminishes lift and tends to cause the board to go straight, makes turns harder. The other is the lack of rocker. The flat rocker does make the board fast, but aerials are pretty tough.
We have a bunch of boards you can'll be amazed at the difference once you ride one.
Hey SD how much cant and toe in are your are you using on scimis?
Do have a typical setup or does it very a lot for each board. In the process of doing my first 4 fin and was wondering on fin setup? I know this is a science but looking for a general rule here. Also what rocker have found to be the best for air. Right now I am about 2.5 inches tip and .75 tail on a 4'11" board. My new build will be a 4'6" looking for loose driving speed for air?
ThanksLast edited by KonaKing; 05-14-2009, 12:44 PM.
@ Wrinkles - we typically ride on New Hogan. The place to purchase is really dependent upon the board you want.
@ Kona - in no particular order. Yeah I've used Probox before - very similar to the FCS Fusion - actually I guess it's the reverse as the Fusion seems to be a knockoff of the Probox. I love the adjustability of the Proboxes, hate their fins. I didn't like having to destroy a Futures fin to use them in the Probox boxes.
IMO, Futures makes the best small/mushy wave fins. The cheap Futures fins aren't well done, but the high end expensive fins can't be beat. FCS is a close second, but I didn't like any of their options for the small waves we ride other than the H2.
The best setup I've found for James and realize he's 17 and can ride all day without getting windedhas a nose rocker of 2 5/8 and a tail rocker of 1 3/16. That significant amount of rocker allows the board to fit in our tiny pockets and roll up for an aerial. It also allows the board to turn in short tiny arcs, relatively speaking.
Quads - not my favorite fin set up. There are folks that swear by them and I think several manufactures seem to have done them right, but I found them to be slow rail-to-rail, increasing the length of the turning arc and it really decreased the ability to slide the tail in many situations. Also, in virtually every quad I've ridden they don't come into their own until speeds hit 14mph or more.
All that said, I'll attach pictures of the best quad setup we were able to achieve.Attached FilesBuy my kid's board!
The placement details are a little funny and I am going from memory as my production notes are at home, but here goes:
The trailing edge of the lead fin boxes are 11" up from the tail. The leading edge of the trailer fin boxes align with the trailing edge of the rail boxes.
The toe of the rail boxes are 1/4" on a side. The toe on the trailers is just about 3/32" - so slightly less than half of the rail boxes. The Futures have a standard 3 degrees cant built into the base of the fin. I don't change that with the boxes. I believe the Scimitars cant is 6 degrees off the base increasing to 18 at the tip. Makes them loose for their depth.
In the quad in the picture, I used the 1/2 boxes so no cant and the quad fins for the Scimitar is the pivot which had maybe 1 degree of cant - they were pretty much vertical.
We gave up after that iteration. In my opinion and I know that others don't subscribe to this theory, the Quad introduces too much drag at slow speeds, doesn't increase squirt significantly, which is what I wanted and "stiffens" up the tail too much to be an effective setup for behind the boat.Buy my kid's board!
Originally posted by nothingbuttige View PostSurfdad, can you give me your top 2 of the 5 boards you recommended? Remembering that I want the one that as my level increases so will the board. thanks
To answer your question directly, the TWP Comp X 5.0 and the Smed Wombat would be my top two picks for starting and sticking with to advance.
More ride pictures!Buy my kid's board!
Hey LovinPowell, Thanks! How are you and the family? I trust everything is well there in Utah? All those pictures are from Hogan, where we took you guys when you came out. James graduates from High School this Thursday!!!!I don't know where the time goes, it seems just yesterday he was 6.
Buy my kid's board!