Originally posted by Jetdriver
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Sorry if I honked you off. Lost in translation. He likely has a 2013 Z3 working pretty good because you fill it, list it, and hit the gas. Maybe consider a suck gate for ease of use and slight wave improvement.
The issue is: He really wants a better board. And—He will benefit greatly from a proper board—as things are pretty dicey at 260#. A sexy 195 pounder like yourself gets a lot more error margin than a big fella. Even station wagon boards aren’t meant to carry 260#—they’re meant to be big and docile for the average male of your size or even smaller. Not the big fella. I have gone through all of this, and I am only 230# (and ugly).
So many big fellas have had the light come on with a real, proper surfboard. Including me. It was a Walker Project Bazooka that illustrated the real difference to me. Behind a slammed 2006 24Ve.
Your advice is great—dial your boat. For sure. But get a good board for the big fella. He needs it badly.
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