Yup sting' no halloween RZ2 for me! haha. I was really looking forward to having an orange and black boat + a truck to match
About the board..its funny some of the crew..the smaller girls..like it. I believe the longer board (or one just a few inches) would be awesome. I still believe bigger fins would be the ticket. I put some bigger fins on mine but now I'm selling it. I don't want nick a PERFECT board so i'ts gets to stay in it's cushy board bag.
I've decided to buy another Drew Danielo Diamond. We've got the 4'3" and the girls LOVE it. I can't get them to surf any other board!
That little 'chip' is just to damn small for the moose. I've surfed it several times and I can really see how easy it would be to do some tricks. It's sooo quick to turn!! And light...ridiculously light. And durable. My 4'3" flew out of the boat on the highway doing 60. Shot up in the air 20 feet..did a few flips landed on its bottom then skidded to a stop on the shoulder. The damage...amazingly...was minimal. It was a scary moment.. All that happened was alot of bottom scratches but no dings!! Watertight. Crazy...just like my buddy driving the truck (60 in a 35)
So it's time to plant the $$ down for a 4'10". I was gonna' go for the 4'8" but my Phase 5 "X" is 4'10" and it's a straight up winner. It's floats me fine and is plenty fast. 1st 360 I tried it spun like a top. EVERYBODY likes that board.

About the board..its funny some of the crew..the smaller girls..like it. I believe the longer board (or one just a few inches) would be awesome. I still believe bigger fins would be the ticket. I put some bigger fins on mine but now I'm selling it. I don't want nick a PERFECT board so i'ts gets to stay in it's cushy board bag.
I've decided to buy another Drew Danielo Diamond. We've got the 4'3" and the girls LOVE it. I can't get them to surf any other board!
That little 'chip' is just to damn small for the moose. I've surfed it several times and I can really see how easy it would be to do some tricks. It's sooo quick to turn!! And light...ridiculously light. And durable. My 4'3" flew out of the boat on the highway doing 60. Shot up in the air 20 feet..did a few flips landed on its bottom then skidded to a stop on the shoulder. The damage...amazingly...was minimal. It was a scary moment.. All that happened was alot of bottom scratches but no dings!! Watertight. Crazy...just like my buddy driving the truck (60 in a 35)
So it's time to plant the $$ down for a 4'10". I was gonna' go for the 4'8" but my Phase 5 "X" is 4'10" and it's a straight up winner. It's floats me fine and is plenty fast. 1st 360 I tried it spun like a top. EVERYBODY likes that board.