I'm curious as well. I still slalom and I need at least 36mph. I can easily fit a 15" wheel. I've never heard of anybody putting a prop that big on a D-Drive though.
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Acme 5 blade wakesurfing review and beta testing
I pulled the 1235 off yesterday and installed an Acme 2245 M39 (14.50X14.50VL5B 1.125 .060). At first I wasn't impressed. It didn't seem to get the boat out of the hole near as well as the 1235 and really would not hold wakeboarding speeds well @ 23mph (calibrated the speedo with gps) and seemed to keep surging. As the day went on though I actually kinda like it.
The RPM's were definitely lower and the wake seemed a little cleaner with less prop wash. Fuel consumption seemed about the same but maybe a little less. About to go out again today. I'll report back if I notice anything else. I don't think I can keep this prop on the boat though as the hull clearance is only about 3/8". I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it didn't burn or blister the hull...
Got my new 2133 last week. After 5 days living with it I can say it's def an improvement over the 2079.. Being at 6500 ft means i needn't worry about top end. Uh uh... Its all about the wave. I basically just cruise back to my bouy. Never ever go for speed so f' top speed. Just burns gas..and most of the time it's rough anyway when we quit and there's no sense beating the boat in heavy chop
It could be my imagination but the portside wave seems bigger..if not cleaner. The boat doesn't drag that much out of the hole as with the 2079. The wave forms ALOT FASTER..LIKE RIGHT NOW. 2079 is now my back up and I sold the 1935 for gas $$. Gas is 5.99 on Lake TahoeA good 4 hour session..9 or 10 pulls each for 4 people costs about 70 bux
. High altitude eats fuel
Went out at 8 AM today.. calm water and put up the best waves of the summer with 3 in the boat and all 2200 lbs of ballast (250 bow/1950 stern-midship). Port side looks amazing at 3000 rpms. Sick. One of guys was just stuck on the curl about 25 ft. back..and would carve forward with all kinds of speed on the biggest open face I'd seen with this boat. Dammit being goofy sucks sometimes
.Starboard wave..well I'm not sure. I was the only goofy today. The crew said it was fat but I wasn't that stoked. It was a good wave but the driver wasn't cooperating so much. I really have to learn how to surf regular foot some day to take advantage of that long fat portside wall. I'll have pics in 24 hours as were going out again manana.Last edited by MooseX; 08-13-2012, 12:21 AM.my midlife crisis started at puberty and I plan on enjoying it all the way to the end..