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    Hull Gel Coat Repair *REPLACE YOUR BUNK BOARDS*

    Please learn from my mistakes!

    I neglected my trailer bunks for an entire season (although I had noticed some decay) and this year it caught up with me. It was simply lack of experience. The boards rotted and one of them was so bad the steel bracket was protruding enough to cause damage to the boat hull.

    Trailer Broke.jpg

    I ended up with some pretty serious gel coat damage. I went to the all knowing internet and researched how to complete a gel coat repair (I think Boatworks Today? is where I learned the most).

    Hull Damage 1.jpg
    Hull Damage 2.jpg
    Hull Damage.jpg

    Of course, I have replaced the bunk boards as well. All in all it was a great learning experience and I feel fortunate that it wasn't worse. The only people that will see the repairs are the fish I am floating over top of so I wasn't worried about trying to match the shade of white on the hull. Total cost was something like $150 and I bought more supplies than I ended up needing. All together I have put on three coats after sanding in between and couldn't be more pleased with my novice repair.

    Here's what I did:
    1. Sanded the area with 60 grit until I was 50% of where I wanted the affected areas to be.
    2. Finished prep sanding with 150.
    3. Cleaned thoroughly with acetone.
    4. Mixed white gel coat with MEK (4oz to 1.25cc)
    5. Applied gel coat as best I could.
    6. Covered gel coat with PVC and waited one day.
    7. Wash off PVC
    8. Sand with 150 to smooth out high spots and prep for next coat.
    9. Repeated Steps 1-8

    Do any of you have experience with gel coat? My repair seems to be holding up well on the water. I'm wondering if you would have done someting differently, or if I will have to worry about the repair in the future? Thanks!

    Finished pictures will be up in a few hours.