The driveshaft has become disconnected from the transmission on my 21V. The hex screw the secures the driveshaft into the V-Drive transmission box came loose and the driveshaft is no longer turning.
I originally tried to tighten the screw back onto the driveshaft. This worked for about 30 seconds (at very low speed), but then stopped working. I later realized that I had missed the hole on the driveshaft and that the screw had just been tightened onto the shaft, so it didn't stay for long.
The driveshaft has now pulled about 2 inches out of the V-Drive housing. I need to 1) figure out how to push the driveshaft (and prop) in the 2 inches or so, without ruining the dripless seal or anything else, and 2) how to best align the hole on the driveshaft with the hex screw.
Any thoughts are appreciated!
I originally tried to tighten the screw back onto the driveshaft. This worked for about 30 seconds (at very low speed), but then stopped working. I later realized that I had missed the hole on the driveshaft and that the screw had just been tightened onto the shaft, so it didn't stay for long.
The driveshaft has now pulled about 2 inches out of the V-Drive housing. I need to 1) figure out how to push the driveshaft (and prop) in the 2 inches or so, without ruining the dripless seal or anything else, and 2) how to best align the hole on the driveshaft with the hex screw.
Any thoughts are appreciated!