While getting started on my ballast install I found this hose and have a question about it. What is this hose? I presume it is the raw water pickup. What is the direction and how does the water flow after this location? I also see a slight to moderate kink in the hose midway and the worst is just before the fitting. "no comments about kink and hose", this is serious. I am not sure that you can see it in the pic or not but it looks as if it is 1/3 the way closed down.
What do you think? Should this be fixed? I am also going to install a heater and have the "y" conection that goes into the raw water intake hose to help with better flow at idle. Would this hose be the place to install it?
What do you think? Should this be fixed? I am also going to install a heater and have the "y" conection that goes into the raw water intake hose to help with better flow at idle. Would this hose be the place to install it?