ok, so first time out in my (new to me) '03 24v limited.
Runs great, but when RPM goes above around 2500, it triggers an intermittent but consistent alarm beep, which won't go off until the engine is turned off.
I have tried to attach a video of this from yesterday, which shows the gauge readings for temp / oil pressure and volts at the same time - no apparent issues there, but the forum won't allow Mov files (I'm on an apple Mac) The beeping is about 1 second long, with about 10 seconds gap between, and this just keeps going regardless of dropping revs below 2500. Marine mechanic here (who is a long-time inboard mechanic with his own Malibu wake setter), has said that if it was serious engine alarm, it would be constant, but this is intermittent, but consistent. After leaving the engine off while the kids swam in the lake, it started fine, and didn't trigger the alarm again until I ran over 2500 RPM.
Can this beeping be electrical related?
The engine runs fine throughout the rev range, and we had the kids wakeboarding at around 2800RPM, and no temp or oil pressure issues - just the beeping.
I plan to get it back to the mechanic this week so he can plug in his computer to check stored data, but any suggestions would be VERY grateful received.
I can email the video to anyone who's prepared to listen if it helps understand what kind of beep it is. It's a 22 second video.
Runs great, but when RPM goes above around 2500, it triggers an intermittent but consistent alarm beep, which won't go off until the engine is turned off.
I have tried to attach a video of this from yesterday, which shows the gauge readings for temp / oil pressure and volts at the same time - no apparent issues there, but the forum won't allow Mov files (I'm on an apple Mac) The beeping is about 1 second long, with about 10 seconds gap between, and this just keeps going regardless of dropping revs below 2500. Marine mechanic here (who is a long-time inboard mechanic with his own Malibu wake setter), has said that if it was serious engine alarm, it would be constant, but this is intermittent, but consistent. After leaving the engine off while the kids swam in the lake, it started fine, and didn't trigger the alarm again until I ran over 2500 RPM.
Can this beeping be electrical related?
The engine runs fine throughout the rev range, and we had the kids wakeboarding at around 2800RPM, and no temp or oil pressure issues - just the beeping.
I plan to get it back to the mechanic this week so he can plug in his computer to check stored data, but any suggestions would be VERY grateful received.
I can email the video to anyone who's prepared to listen if it helps understand what kind of beep it is. It's a 22 second video.