In May, I ordered a ZX650.4 as an upgrade to the tower speakers to replace the factory zx350.4. Well, I ended up using it for a warranty replacement for an install done last year, and waited on the replacement for me. It arrived the day before our Tige owners day in June, so all I had time to do was mount it up and throw the juice to it.
Fast forward 2+ months: I finally got the time to do this upgrade right. I pulled both amps down and remounted them from the factory horizontal position, to a vertical position. This allowed me to make a much cleaner install, and hide most of the harness behind the bilge vent hose. Endcaps are on the way for zx650.4.

Fast forward 2+ months: I finally got the time to do this upgrade right. I pulled both amps down and remounted them from the factory horizontal position, to a vertical position. This allowed me to make a much cleaner install, and hide most of the harness behind the bilge vent hose. Endcaps are on the way for zx650.4.
