Well, Finally got around to listening to a pair of the Kicker KTM6's and I must say, I am danged impressed I dont think you can beat the price for a pair of speakers that will put out the kind of volume and clear sound that you get with these.
I installed these on a 20V I sold a few weeks ago that had no system at all. The pods are light weight, but feel rugged. The clamps are great, very sturdy with a great selection of bushings for various tower diameters. Very easy to mount up, and look great even with the curved Tige tower and give plenty of clearance for the bimini.
These are running bridged on a zx350.4 and receiving 175W each.
Well, Finally got around to listening to a pair of the Kicker KTM6's and I must say, I am danged impressed I dont think you can beat the price for a pair of speakers that will put out the kind of volume and clear sound that you get with these.
I installed these on a 20V I sold a few weeks ago that had no system at all. The pods are light weight, but feel rugged. The clamps are great, very sturdy with a great selection of bushings for various tower diameters. Very easy to mount up, and look great even with the curved Tige tower and give plenty of clearance for the bimini.
These are running bridged on a zx350.4 and receiving 175W each.