Sorry if these sound like basic questions, but I need some answers for my stereo setup (2010 Z1 with "Tower of Power"):
Here's the boat...2010 Tige Z1
1. With the Tower of Power setup, what are the spec's for the tower speakers I currently have from the factory? I believe they are Pro 60's, but want to verify.
2. Once I verify #1, I want to order some speaker sox's for them to protect from the elements. Is there any difference from Wetsounds sox to The difference in price is $80/pair or $60/pair. Any other known sox products or where to find these discounted?
3. I haven't gotten a chance to play with settings yet, but is there an easy way to adjust the output of just the tower speakers separate from the cabin speakers? Right now, with volume up to 30, the sound is defening loud in the cabin and still can't hear the tower speakers from the wakeboard position. How do I turn cabin speakers down and tower speakers up at the same time?
Here's the boat...2010 Tige Z1
1. With the Tower of Power setup, what are the spec's for the tower speakers I currently have from the factory? I believe they are Pro 60's, but want to verify.
2. Once I verify #1, I want to order some speaker sox's for them to protect from the elements. Is there any difference from Wetsounds sox to The difference in price is $80/pair or $60/pair. Any other known sox products or where to find these discounted?
3. I haven't gotten a chance to play with settings yet, but is there an easy way to adjust the output of just the tower speakers separate from the cabin speakers? Right now, with volume up to 30, the sound is defening loud in the cabin and still can't hear the tower speakers from the wakeboard position. How do I turn cabin speakers down and tower speakers up at the same time?