Give me a break, the man has done nothing for us! All he has done is roll is the biggest snowball across this country sweeping up the masses and taking them, and the hole country, for a ride. Pardon my analogy, but this man has the charisma of a child predator, he has lured this country (i.e. the ignorant voters) into his car (the Presidency) with a giant lollipop (change), hoping we can help him find the lost puppy (fame and personal wealth for him). We all know that this will not turn out good for anyone but him!
He is nothing more then a snake oil salesman. He his selling magic potions with great medicinal healing abilities. But we will soon find, that when we get home and guzzle down the concoctions, that it only made us sicker. By then, he will have pulled up his tent, packed up his wagon, and moved on to the next town.
He told us what he wanted to hear. We believe that what he is selling will cure us, but IT"S A GIMMICK!
"NEW YORK (AP) - President-elect Barack Obama has won another contest: He's been named Time magazine's "Person of the Year" for 2008.
The magazine has named Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, Gov. Sarah Palin and Chinese director Zhang Yimou as runners-up.
Last year's winner was Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. Previous individual winners have included Bono, President George W. Bush and CEO and founder Jeff Bezos."
Give me a break, the man has done nothing for us! All he has done is roll is the biggest snowball across this country sweeping up the masses and taking them, and the hole country, for a ride. Pardon my analogy, but this man has the charisma of a child predator, he has lured this country (i.e. the ignorant voters) into his car (the Presidency) with a giant lollipop (change), hoping we can help him find the lost puppy (fame and personal wealth for him). We all know that this will not turn out good for anyone but him!
He is nothing more then a snake oil salesman. He his selling magic potions with great medicinal healing abilities. But we will soon find, that when we get home and guzzle down the concoctions, that it only made us sicker. By then, he will have pulled up his tent, packed up his wagon, and moved on to the next town.
He told us what he wanted to hear. We believe that what he is selling will cure us, but IT"S A GIMMICK!
"NEW YORK (AP) - President-elect Barack Obama has won another contest: He's been named Time magazine's "Person of the Year" for 2008.
The magazine has named Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, Gov. Sarah Palin and Chinese director Zhang Yimou as runners-up.
Last year's winner was Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. Previous individual winners have included Bono, President George W. Bush and CEO and founder Jeff Bezos."
