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One Hundred Dollars A Stitch

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    One Hundred Dollars A Stitch

    We frequently take our Tige 22iR to the "river" at Parker, Arizona.
    I keep a large plastic box with a good quality selection of river sandals at our campsite on the beach.

    Not thongs or flip flops: River sandals.

    After insuring one of the kids in the group had a good fitting pair on, and that she clearly understood to not venture into the water without them on, she promptly took them off, walked into the water and cut her foot deluxe.

    Man o man did the blood flow.

    So off to the Las Paz Hospital near the Chevy dealer.

    OK, this hospital doesn't have the bad reputation like Barstow or Brawley,, it's a good hospital. In fact it's an awsum hospital.

    It could use better emergency signage pointing to the afterhours entrance ('round back),,, but that's really small potatos compaired to the excellent service and staff there.

    We had the kid stitched up in a couple hours,, and home again, and good to go.
    Cost: $100 a stitch if ya don't have medical insurance.

    Some years back, I took a jet skier there once after he was jumping another boats wake, fell off and his hands touched base with the boats outdrive prop.

    A total stranger, we got no response calling 911, so we brought him ashore and drove him in.
    "Gee, we can't find much skin to sew together" the hospital staff told him. We called his relatives, and left him in their hands.

    I just wished a bar was close by within walking distance from the hospital.. Sitting in an emergency room, stuff rolls in ya just don't want to see. And nothing worse than taking a child to the emergency room.

    Another child was brought in by the paramedics. She took a massive blow to the side of her head by a baseball bat at a pinata party.

    Note: No pinatas,, no baseball bats either.

    Good effort taking care of the folks around you. Too bad about the kids, though. That pinata thing...aren't you supposed to use a wiffle-ball bat or a stick? A Louisville slugger seems a little high-risk (obviously it is).

    As for the jet-skier...there's no lesson like a hard lesson.
    We have seen the enemy, and the enemy is us.

