The Del Rio Bar and Grill, Colorado River USA.
Every tab has a story. It's the cheapest part of drinking really.
Sunday Morning after wakeboarding, the kids fire up the golf cart, and we roll over to the Del Rio Bar and Grill on the Colorado River for breakfast.
Residents and friends of Tony the Del Rio owner are stumbling in to settle their weekend tabs. That is, most the residents are paying up.
The 4 girls in this group were in for a big sticker shock from the nite before.
They stood at the bar Sunday morning for over a hour arguing the bill and enduring Maynards straw fart band with Tony the owner and the bartenders.
All the employees said it was legit charges:

They thought they just had a few drinks, their tab was $271.
Tony knocked off $50 after a LONG hour of negotiations.
We watched them the nite before when I took the kids over for late Pizza.
They just kept on ordering shots and food, and rounds, and more rounds and it adds up quick.
In Parker/Havasu and Avalon (Catalina Island) girls should never buy drinks. If they do they are doing something wrong.
My wife and her GF's roll in and the drunk hard-ons always buy, as tradition dictates they should.
We need to run a seminar for chix teaching them the finesse of getting the dopes to buy their drinks.

Straw farts at the breakfast bar. Amazing how Maynard draws a crowd and entertains them with such tallents. He got a $5 tip this morning.
I guess enough drinks in ya and it's entertaining. Irritating to those trying to get a break on their tab.
All kinds of characters slide in and pay their tabs and ALL have a story.
Some tip, some have exact cash. One in three suffers sticker shock, and that is always drama.
Most just lay down the cash, usually a couple of hundred for the weekend, and it's is the real final weekly payday for Tony.