Originally posted by CP3
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I cannnot recall the number of times I have had to swerve to dodge a boat that was floating in the middle with no lighting...
I am more comfortable sailing in the dark when compared to running a motor boat. You can hear so much more, and the ability to use your ears gives you better opportunities both offensively and defensively.
Motor-boating after dark is best done very close to a full moon, on very familiar waters. When I am out after dark, I usually either operate in displacement mode, or adjust any and all trim devices available to go as slow as possible, while keeping the bow as low as possible for maximum visibility.
AND, as crazy as it sounds, there are times when it just seems like "all the idiots are out tonight" For some reason, they all tend to make similar decisions, so if you run across one idiot out there after dark, you are pretty sure to find another one. I head for shore rather than risk the third strike....