I am still voting HDDVD. The formats are equal in terms of capabilities. The additional factors are what settles the vote for me.
The huge difference between this go around and the VHS Beta formats was that there was actually a difference in the picture quality on tape. There is NO DIFFERENCE in the picture quality between HDDVD and BluRay, no matter what the goob at Best Buy or Target is being paid to say. The use the same codecs, same audio compression, same everything. The only difference is the hardware it is played on, and the media that stores it; which ironically is pretty danged close too.
The huge difference between this go around and the VHS Beta formats was that there was actually a difference in the picture quality on tape. There is NO DIFFERENCE in the picture quality between HDDVD and BluRay, no matter what the goob at Best Buy or Target is being paid to say. The use the same codecs, same audio compression, same everything. The only difference is the hardware it is played on, and the media that stores it; which ironically is pretty danged close too.