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    It simply time to raise the minimum wage.

    "Democratic leaders in the House of Representatives said on Thursday that they will use an obscure legislative gambit to try to force a floor vote on a measure to raise the federal minimum wage to $10.10 per hour."

    One question for you, what good or service does the Fed provide to a consumer, that it can pass on the cost of that increase?

    The answer is neither. The Feds have 3 ways to pay for this increase and neither helps the economy of OUR country. They can either print more bills, barrow more from China or increase taxes........
    Mikes Liquid Audio: Knowledge Experience Customer Service you can trust-KICKER WetSounds ACME props FlyHigh Custom Ballast Clarion LiquidLumens LEDs Roswell Wave Deflector And More


      Originally posted by chpthril View Post
      One question for you, what good or service does the Fed provide to a consumer, that it can pass on the cost of that increase?

      The answer is neither. The Feds have 3 ways to pay for this increase and neither helps the economy of OUR country. They can either print more bills, barrow more from China or increase taxes........
      Everything goes up 1.25% to 1.5%. So lunch just cost you a dime more, and dinner 2 dimes.

      28 million people are effected (roughly 10% of the country), 25 billion added to the GDP, a 15K salary goes to $20K, 20 million would go off food stamps.

      I guess this makes me pollyannaish in your eyes??

      But of course there are those that require self aggrandizement at the needed expense of a fellow human being near the absolute bottom, typically the waitress that served your food today, or the gas station attendant that said good morning to you.


        Explain how this isn't putting the cart before the horse? If you raise minimum wage, the goods and services provided by that minimum wage earner will have an equal increase in price, so the net effect for the minimum wage earner is their paycheck looks bigger but it buys the same amount of goods. It hurts people who don't make minimum wage, because the goods and services they buy will go up while their pay remains the same, they loose buying power. The only people it helps are the politicians, who's union support put them in office. Why does it help them? Because many labor union contracts have automatic pay increases for members if minimum wage increases. So explain again how a minimum wage increase is good for the country? I would rather some positive rules or regulations or tax code try to help out businesses so they can focus more on growing their business, and the overall economy, and allow them to increase the pay of their workers who deserve it based on merit.

        I really hate how the American dream has been corrupted by politicians to push their class envy and warfare. My grandfather came here from Poland when he was 5, he worked in coal mines, fought in WW2 and came home and started a business. It was a successful family business that sent my dad and his brothers to college. My dad worked in that family business and helped prepare me to go to college. My other grandfather was several more generations an American but his family came here from Ireland. He was a pilot in WW2 and came home and started an accounting firm. I've been blessed to have great examples of work ethic from my family and the desire to continue the American dream, do you know what that is? The American dream that I grew up with is to better yourself and your family, and to provide for the future of your children so they become more successful than you are. Not 1 mention about owning a home, or a car, or two cars. Just work hard and provide for your family so they can excel and have a better life than you had.

        That's enough typing on my phone. Ewok out.
        2009 RZ2, PCM 343, MLA Surf Ballast, Premium Sound.
        2013 Toyota Sequoia 4WD W/Timbren SES


          ^ well said ewok.

          Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk


            We are a small family bussiness in the service industry, in service I mean repair of boats and cars, if the minimum wage goes up it eliminates all those jobs at our facility for those people who want to be an aprentiss and learn a skilled labor job, Im not aware of any colledge that gives pay to students that want learn a future high paying job, in the skilled labor job field you have to aprentiss, the people comeing out of the vocational institutes dont have the knowledge or experince for us to be able to pay them those kind of wages until they are productive, and they will become more productive when there is more incentive or higher wages , end of story!


              Why even have voting in the house? That no good piece of **** is trying to become a dictator. He's a lying piece of trash. How good of an idea was Obama care? Let's raise taxes some more since we don't pay enough already. At least he can take vacations that cost more than we will ever make in our lifetime. America voted the f*** stain in twice so this is what they get, and people still think he's great.

              Back to the minimum wage, I've actually seen people go apply for jobs in pajamas. How many times do fast food places f up an order? Do people really think they're worth more than 7 bucks an hour? Only huge businesses with a larger profit margin could afford it. Small businesses will be forced to lay people off. But everything looks good on paper. Kind of like obummer care.
              Ain't no 1/2 steppin'


                The reason you pay employees is they make your business money. Skill is a major determining factor in the wage you can pay your employee. The more skilled the employee the higher their wage. Every business owner has overhead. When you increase his overhead,he has to increase his prices to keep a livable income margin.When he increases his margin customers can't afford to participate as often in his business. As for waitress,Bell Boy,s and Hotel staff i always make sure i give them good tips.
                I do all my own stunt work. hey ya'll watch dis.


                  the way I see it.. mcd's pays 7 or so an hour. we are paying to start at the proposed fed minimum. we have had positions open for a while. if someone was so inclined, they could apply and improve themselves but what I see more than not are 1) people that are going to sit at that 7/hr job and bitch until they are at 10, 2) people that don't have any interview skills and really shouldn't have gotten the 7/hr job and 3) those that are not motivated to work harder to make more so the 7/hr job suits their "laziness". another thought to keep in mind are that a lot of the lower paying jobs are currently being staffed by pt highschool or 2nd income family members that the wage either isn't important or the business really has no reason to pay more as there's a drawer full of applicants ready to take the next opening.
                  on the other side of the coin tho we have someone leaving for the corporate office. started at a low wage, came in and worked hard, earned an interview with almost no relevant work experience and got the job. wish there was more like that out there but so many "expect" and don't "earn".

                  at the end of the day, the overall economy of the local town will dictate the starting wage. mcd's are paying far more than the 10/hr wage in some oil towns in north dakota because the market dictates it. same thing in san fran. this is nothing more than a political maneuver to help them at re-election times as with the gov't shutdown, right now they ALL look like buffoons..
                  Last edited by sandm; 02-15-2014, 03:10 PM.
                  2012 22ve.. RIP 4/17
                  2014 Z3.. Surf away


                    I think businesses need to raise the wage on their own, not be forced to. A good example of this that is always brought up is Costco. They pay their employees exceptionally well and still make millions of profit. If Wal-Mart wasn't so greedy, they could easily double the good employees pay and still make billions a year in profit but they don't want to and honestly shouldn't have to as the employee's have a choice to not work there. See, there's always a choice and if people didn't accept jobs at Wal-Mart or fast food places they would automatically have to pay more just to keep the place running but some folks just accept that it's the only job that they can get and give in.


                      Another example, I delivered pizza for 4 years to pay my way through college. There were plenty of adults that worked there as their only job and they always had excuses/reasons that they couldn't work an extra hour here or work this shift there but yet they always complained about how much they made. I was a full time student and picked up the stuff they didn't want and then stuffed my pockets full of cash while they were at home crying how bad their life was. The best is when they would call in because it had snowed and their fwd/4wd car wasn't good in the snow and I would pick up their shift in my slammed 2wd mini truck that had 2" of ground clearance. That's laziness on their part but I thank them for it. Lol


                        The right to vote should come with the responsibility to inform ourselves. Both sides of the isle are as crooked as the other. Both parties do what is in THEIR best interest and what will keep them in power. I live in one of the most conservative states in the nation and you better believe the politicians here talk a great game but then pass bills that force business's to pay a use tax on tools and inventory. We as a company have to pay taxes on tools and equipment that we own! Think about that for a second. I have some close friends who live in states that are famous for being liberal and their situations are no different. Please someone explain to me how these windbags are any different? Is it that each chooses a moniker to signify which side of the isle he or she is going to screw you from? America needs to wake up and realize that the more we identify ourselves as different the more we drive a wedge between the solution. The sooner the average citizen realizes that all politicians relish the current political climate, the sooner we can turn over the dung heap that resides in our capital. Our political system should not be run by career politicians. Yet we continue to elect the same person over and over. And no I don't just mean the current president. I dare anyone to look at how many incumbents currently occupy a political post. If you want to see something even scarier look into the "new blood" and where they came from. The lyrics to a distant song come to mind "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss".

                        Now on to the topic at hand. My family also runs a small business. I am a third generation electrician. My grandfather started our company in his garage with a close friend. They grew from nothing to a large scale union company in the late 50s and early 60s. My uncle and father entered the company in the late 60s and bought the co. from my grandfather in the early 70s. At that time the company decided it was time to leave the union and go back to a family business model. They employed an average of 8 to 10 people over the next 25 years. The company couldn't compete with the other large scale contractors when it came to wage but they offered a family feeling that the employees loved. Fast forward to today. My uncle passed away in the 80s and my brother and I came on in the mid 90s. My father is still the owner but someday my brother and I hope to continue the tradition. We as a company pay competitively for the current market and offer a health benefit to the employees that want it. This affects our bottom line and my dad's accountant has routinely told him to stop the practice to increase profits. This would be inline with the majority of other companies we compete with. To us it's not worth the higher profit at the expense of our employees. We do not employ just anyone and people who come to work for us either fit in or wash out. We work our asses off to compete with the other contractors who routinely use cheap labor to lower their bids and increase profits. You would think that I would be all for raising the minimum wage and forcing these other contractors to compete in a level playing field but I am not. I take the stance that the market and employee worthiness should dictate pay scale. Not some blow hard that hasn't a clue what I do on a daily basis and will never have to eat with a tarnished spoon. Those silver ones must be nice!

                        Final thought: I have seen the entitlement in this country increasing over the last twenty years, while the work ethic and willingness to support our own has gone down down inversely.


                          Originally posted by Timmy! View Post
                          Another example, I delivered pizza for 4 years to pay my way through college. There were plenty of adults that worked there as their only job and they always had excuses/reasons that they couldn't work an extra hour here or work this shift there but yet they always complained about how much they made. I was a full time student and picked up the stuff they didn't want and then stuffed my pockets full of cash while they were at home crying how bad their life was. The best is when they would call in because it had snowed and their fwd/4wd car wasn't good in the snow and I would pick up their shift in my slammed 2wd mini truck that had 2" of ground clearance. That's laziness on their part but I thank them for it. Lol
                          Reminds of some of the people where I used to work. Some of the second shift people would call in on bad snow day that they wouldn't be able to make it in, they would call before 8 am. Many of them lived a couple of minutes a way walking, they had over 8 hours to walk a couple of minutes. The night shift people got home and the day shift people made it in on time.


                            Originally posted by tigeidaho View Post

                            Final thought: I have seen the entitlement in this country increasing over the last twenty years, while the work ethic and willingness to support our own has gone down down inversely.
                            It starts in pre-school. Everyone's a winner. Seems that it would be better to start that young teaching that if you want to succeed you need to be a go getter and improve yourself. If you want something work for it don't wait for it to drop into your lap then complain when it doesn't.


                              Originally posted by dom w. forte View Post
                              We are a small family bussiness in the service industry, in service I mean repair of boats and cars, if the minimum wage goes up it eliminates all those jobs at our facility for those people who want to be an aprentiss and learn a skilled labor job, Im not aware of any colledge that gives pay to students that want learn a future high paying job, in the skilled labor job field you have to aprentiss, the people comeing out of the vocational institutes dont have the knowledge or experince for us to be able to pay them those kind of wages until they are productive, and they will become more productive when there is more incentive or higher wages , end of story!
                              Boat and Car repairs are NOT minimum wage jobs. Even considering "apprenticeship" employment, $7.35 it is outlandish to think anyone would work for this pay in 2014. This type of work is extremely hard and since we live in the same area, the type of employee you'd attract is NOT the type of employee you'd want.

                              Lets get real and honest here and fast forward 2 decades.

                              The bottom line is we are subsidizing BIG corporations who reap the profits from our communities yet want the Gov to subsidize them with food stamps.

                              And who funds the gov, we do. So in essence, we (working class) are the ones who subsidize cheap azz business owners and big corporations.

