Originally posted by AdaminMN
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That is actually a bad one to pick because Microsoft would have you call Dell. Dell will tell you that it is a Microsoft issue or your Virus Protection that they put on but don't support. And the circle goes round and round. You would also be lucky to talk to a live person without paying. Dell became popular because of its customer service, they got big and forgot what got them there.
The early day Dell company would have helped you with the problem spot on and had you on the way.
I have posted this several times but customer service is what keeps customers coming back. Why do you think they have the rating on ebay? IMPO, Chp gets a lot of referrals from this forum and probably others because he does an awesome job and people are not afraid to recommend him. He goes the extra mile, which might be a pain for him but it helps him in the long run.

I am not bragging nor do I see this, but I work on multi million dollar deals and the things that I do extra that are not required yet they are what help set us apart and help us win the business. An easy sale is for existing customers but you can not take them for granted. My job is a M-F 8-5 yet my customers know they can call me anytime, even though we have a support line. They know I can get them up and going quick plus I have a happy attitude about it, even if it was not my problem but theirs. It is interesting to hear about the service from your competitors.
Some may not like this but I got sick of getting bad service, anywhere, and be asked about it and telling them and then getting the response better luck next time or similar. I no longer say anything rather choose if there is a next time based on the service. If you are in a service industry then you should be service oriented, if not choose another industry.
Just my
