So, I am going to go ahead and take the Texas conceal and carry license class later this month. Don't think I will really carry but it is a good way to practice gun safety. Anyway I am in the market for a home defensive handgun good for both myself and the wife. I was torn between the glock 9mm and the S&W SIGMA 9mm... that is until I just got back from academy and saw the S&W on sale for $299 plus a $50 factory rebate. 
So my question is .. anyone have any opinions on either handgun? I know the SIGMAS had some issues when they first came out but their reviews on the new models are great for reliability, accuracy and feel. Most ppl like the Glock and it is reflected in its high price.

So my question is .. anyone have any opinions on either handgun? I know the SIGMAS had some issues when they first came out but their reviews on the new models are great for reliability, accuracy and feel. Most ppl like the Glock and it is reflected in its high price.