We have made our decision, our 05 will be here on the 20th (can't wait!!). But thought I would ask, which do you like better of these two boats? And why? I know they are both great boats, and lets not talk about the price difference, just ride, accomodations..etc.
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22V vs 24V
I went for the 24v because of the ride in rough water was far better than the 22v (and any other ski boat I had been in) plus the added space for the family. The one thing I noticed that we were giving up was the slalom wake, the wake for slaloming on the 24v is considerably larger than the 22v which was a bummer, but only one of us slaloms and she is converting over to wakeboarding. The wake on the 24V seemed a little larger than the 22 and also a little wider. Can let you know next week exactly the difference in the water.