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2001 Tige 21v Riders Edition - need advice!

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    Originally posted by Schindawg View Post
    Wow! Thanks for all the great advice everyone! Yes, that single axle trailer seems a bit light duty for the weight of the boat, and I'd have to tow it 6 hrs to WI. Hmmm. Well, it deserves a test drive for sure. I'll let you all know what I end up doing.

    I hope it's ok to say on a Tige forum, but I'm also interested in a 2001 Malibu Wakesetter VLX for basically the same price. Wish I could test drive both. Anyone have any experience or thoughts on that, without flames ? Just trying, as I'm sure you all did, to make the best, most informed decision on a fairly substantial purchase!
    In my opinion the Tigé is going to ride better(new and old) My friends WSetter slams over double up and takes a beating in the chop where the tigé will ride somther. The tigé will probably have a better slalom wake, I've never slalomed behind a Wakesetter though.
    The sun never sets on a badass


      Give it a very thourough inspection. IMO, the better it looks, the better it was cared for. Check the trailer, tires, prop, shaft, and fins, (do the last 3 line up straight?) vinyl, carpet, hull (scratches, chips) bilge and motor cleanliness. See if you can find who owned it or where it was serviced at. Ask for the records and take it for a good test ride!!!.

      I did all this before buying my '02 21V Riders and it was worth it. The boat has been great. You could tell it was cared for.

      Before I bought mine I was looking at another tige and actually had the money there to buy it. Upon close inspection with a friend there, we noticed several little things that showed me it wasn't cared for. We walked away and eventually found a much better boat for the same$


        All 21v's came with a double axle trailer if it had one originally. It sounds like the trailer got switched out. I'm not sure where you'd find tires rated for 2000 lbs.
        Cursed by a fortune cookie: "Your principles mean more to you than any money or success."


          Originally posted by dogbert View Post
          All 21v's came with a double axle trailer if it had one originally. It sounds like the trailer got switched out. I'm not sure where you'd find tires rated for 2000 lbs.
          In fact, I think that boat weighs 3,900 or so by itself, then given the trailer weighs over 1,000 pounds. I think a single axle trailer is going to be difficult for that boat unless you live at the lake and rarely travel with it. Maybe the previous owner kept it at a lake house in the summer and on the single axle in the winter.

          I used to have the same boat and loved it. I think 30K sounds steep, so I would for sure drive the 25K a little lower for having a single axle trailer.
          Be excellent to one another.


            For you old folks that need to get glasses, that boat is sitting on a dbl axle trailer
            Mikes Liquid Audio: Knowledge Experience Customer Service you can trust-KICKER WetSounds ACME props FlyHigh Custom Ballast Clarion LiquidLumens LEDs Roswell Wave Deflector And More


              Originally posted by chpthril View Post
              For you old folks that need to get glasses, that boat is sitting on a dbl axle trailer
              Right you are...we got distracted...I'm sure you're shocked.

              We'll be sure to watch for your senior moments
              Cursed by a fortune cookie: "Your principles mean more to you than any money or success."


                Originally posted by dogbert View Post
                Right you are...we got distracted...I'm sure you're shocked.

                We'll be sure to watch for your senior moments
                Distracted this group never
                Mikes Liquid Audio: Knowledge Experience Customer Service you can trust-KICKER WetSounds ACME props FlyHigh Custom Ballast Clarion LiquidLumens LEDs Roswell Wave Deflector And More


                  I think the price sounds in line at 25k if the boat is as nice as advertised. We paid slightly more than that for an immacculate 2002 with 60 hrs on it. We looked far and wide for a boat that fit our use and budget and finally came across ours. There is a VERY good Tige dealer just outside Lake Geneva (Reeds Marine) they're super nice folks to deal with.

                  If you're a gambler wait a month and then offer him 24k. He may be willing to jump on a grenade when the snow starts flying. Leverage the Malibu also.

                  I can tell you this site really helps a bunch for a new boat owner. The guys on here are super helpful, very knowledgeable, and once in a while they even make ya crack up.
                  Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?


                    Originally posted by chpthril View Post
                    For you old folks that need to get glasses, that boat is sitting on a dbl axle trailer
                    That's my bad. In an earlier post, I had mentioned single axle, because that's what the guy from the marina had said. Glad to hear that's not the case, but I'm still having problems seeing two wheels in the photo. I guess the frame of the trailer says Tige 21v so it must be the original trailer, and if they all came from the factory on doubles, then I guess it's as you say, which is a good thing!


                      Originally posted by wannabewakeboarder View Post
                      In my opinion the Tigé is going to ride better(new and old) My friends WSetter slams over double up and takes a beating in the chop where the tigé will ride somther. The tigé will probably have a better slalom wake, I've never slalomed behind a Wakesetter though.
                      I agree on the Wakesetter. I've been doing some searching on also found a V-drive Sunsetter, which has their skiing hull. That one's probably more similar to the Tige. But I tell you folks, I've spent some time on Tige's web site and with the feedback I'm hearing here, I'm pretty impressed with the workmanship and quality of these boats. Going to Chicago this week so will try to squeeze in a visit to the dealer.


                        Look at the boats from the rear. Make sure you do not get a flat bottom 3 event hull. They cannot take rough water at all, and you will be disappointed in the wake. I don't know malibu hulls, so I don't know what they have. Tige hulls ride deep, and smooth. The bottom of the Tige is about 1/2 inch thick. I was shocked at the thickness when I installed my Perfect Pass. Ride and compare!


                          Originally posted by Schindawg View Post
                          I agree on the Wakesetter. I've been doing some searching on also found a V-drive Sunsetter, which has their skiing hull. That one's probably more similar to the Tige. But I tell you folks, I've spent some time on Tige's web site and with the feedback I'm hearing here, I'm pretty impressed with the workmanship and quality of these boats. Going to Chicago this week so will try to squeeze in a visit to the dealer.
                          I tried to surf a 2002 23 Wakesetter that a friend owns and it was impossible. I've skied/boarded behind this boat many times and it is good for both but not nearly the quality ride as my Tige and it can't surf worth a $h!t
                          Mikes Liquid Audio: Knowledge Experience Customer Service you can trust-KICKER WetSounds ACME props FlyHigh Custom Ballast Clarion LiquidLumens LEDs Roswell Wave Deflector And More


                            Originally posted by laserfish View Post
                            Look at the boats from the rear. Make sure you do not get a flat bottom 3 event hull. They cannot take rough water at all, and you will be disappointed in the wake. I don't know malibu hulls, so I don't know what they have. Tige hulls ride deep, and smooth. The bottom of the Tige is about 1/2 inch thick. I was shocked at the thickness when I installed my Perfect Pass. Ride and compare!
                            Thanks Laserfish. If I can ask, what do you use your boat for primarily? Wakeboard or skiing? I know the boat has TAPS, but the weight of it and your comment on it riding deep and smooth still has me wondering how good it is to ski behind. I'm committed to going with an inboard, I just don't want it to have the wake of an I/O. I'll be using the boat initially for mostly skiing and tubing, until my little ones get a bit older. The wake needs to be friendly enough for beginners learning to ski. I know, you guys have already allayed my fears on this and say it's great for skiing, but I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts. And, ultimately, I know I need to go for a test drive and see the wake for myself, with TAPS at various positions. I really do appreciate all the feedback on this thread!


                              Look at it this way. My much heavier Tige had a better wake than my previous I/O. My old boat was a 20' Maxum w/v6 Mercruiser and had a pretty sweet ski wake. Certainly not like those old 19' Ski Nautiques, but those are tiny and you can only get 2 or 3 people in them.
                              Cursed by a fortune cookie: "Your principles mean more to you than any money or success."


                                Originally posted by dogbert View Post
                                Look at it this way. My much heavier Tige had a better wake than my previous I/O. My old boat was a 20' Maxum w/v6 Mercruiser and had a pretty sweet ski wake. Certainly not like those old 19' Ski Nautiques, but those are tiny and you can only get 2 or 3 people in them.

                                I can say the same as Dog. We came out of a FourWinns 185, weighs about 2200#'s. This 4k Tige, with TAPS at 1-2, has a far flatter/softer wake then any I/O. All though, I'm only recreational skier, IMHO, it is comparable to my friends 23 Wakesetter.
                                Mikes Liquid Audio: Knowledge Experience Customer Service you can trust-KICKER WetSounds ACME props FlyHigh Custom Ballast Clarion LiquidLumens LEDs Roswell Wave Deflector And More

