I put together a simple web page with lots of photos and details on my 2000 2300V that might help people looking to buy one of these boats in the used market.
P.S. That was my first Tige. I currently have another version that is virtually identical. My first, the one on the site, was hit and totaled by a drunken boater. Luckily, it was at night and nobody was hurt. But the insurance company spent $15,000 on repairs that didn't work, so the boat had to be totaled and they gave me $34,000 to buy my current boat. Got the same one I loved the first one so much.
P.S. That was my first Tige. I currently have another version that is virtually identical. My first, the one on the site, was hit and totaled by a drunken boater. Luckily, it was at night and nobody was hurt. But the insurance company spent $15,000 on repairs that didn't work, so the boat had to be totaled and they gave me $34,000 to buy my current boat. Got the same one I loved the first one so much.