Thanks for all your replies. KKO, do want to clarify that we did not have anyone actually wakeboarding after one bolt sheared just that we continued to use the boat which was probably not a good idea as the "jostling" the tower takes as we move through wakes probbaly was enough to shear the second bolt.
Talltigeguy, my tower is similar to the one in your picture but has "Tige" on a top section. The way the structure attaches to the boat, though, looks exactly the same.
I did get it repaired which cost an eye popping $500 as they were not able to 'easy out' the bolts. Took over 5 hours of labor. Also, very difficult to access the underside. Had to go through section which has the throttle on it and had to take apart and then reassemble some of the throttle stuff.
Anyway, we are back on the water so life is good.
Talltigeguy, my tower is similar to the one in your picture but has "Tige" on a top section. The way the structure attaches to the boat, though, looks exactly the same.
I did get it repaired which cost an eye popping $500 as they were not able to 'easy out' the bolts. Took over 5 hours of labor. Also, very difficult to access the underside. Had to go through section which has the throttle on it and had to take apart and then reassemble some of the throttle stuff.
Anyway, we are back on the water so life is good.