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Skiing behind my 2006 20V

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    boucie bouncie

    No matter where the people are sitting in the boat I can eliminate the bounce by setting the taps to mid settings or lower. I've been thinking about your problem, and The first 2 things I would check to rule out are 1.) is your taps switch working i.e. does the swith on the throttle make the plate move when it is pressed? 2.) is the taps plate installed properly so that in the full down position it is at a lowenough level to push the nose down? These are the most likely root causes. Have you ruled them out?
    If I can be of any help at all, your in deep doo doo!


      I checked the plate and it is moving. I talked to the service tech at my dealer and he was going to check it when I do my winterize. We also talked about shimming the plate or moving the mount on the plate so it is in the water more at 0. When I purchased the boat I went with the 20V because it has the same hull as the 20i and most of the research I did indicated it was the best V configuration for skiing.



        Yep, I'm a skier too, I bought the V because my kids are getting into wakeboarding at a level that requires a big wake, but I'm not willing to give up skiing. I tested the boat I bought and I was able to make a 34mph pass @ 15 off and thats all the more I can do anyway now that I'm fat and old. I'm going to measure the angle of the plate on my boat in the full down position and I'll post the results to this thread. Maybe we can get others to do same and we can compare.
        If I can be of any help at all, your in deep doo doo!


          20 i

          By the way, the difference between the v and the i is mostly due to the location of the motor. The boat has about an extra 200lb's due to the transfer case on the v drive. But equally important is the fact that the motor in the v is much further rearward which makes the boat ride deeper in the rear and thus makes a deeper wake (slightly). The 3rd factor is that because the pilon in the v is rearward of the fins on the bottom of the boat the pulling force exurted on the boat at the end of a skiers turn in can alter the path of the boat more, as the re is a greater leverage than when the pylon is directly over thefins and in the ctr of the boat. None of these things are big enough of a deal to make the v unacceptable as a ski boat at my level.
          If I can be of any help at all, your in deep doo doo!


            I had a 20ci that made me popular with the skiers, when I got the 20V they did not want to take my boat anymore. Now we have to use one of the other guys Nautique in the morning. I was looking at the 21i, but the V has a much better layout and can be used by everyone.


              2050 pre

              My 2050 pre had the best slalom wake known to man. I ski with some serious nauticue nuts and those boats drive real well for slalom but the wake is no better, especially for beginners. Inboarders are a fiercly brand loyal bunch and Charlie P. has never been obsessed with proving tige as a slalom boat. There's not much money in it.
              If I can be of any help at all, your in deep doo doo!


                I just got interested in slalom a couple years ago. When I purchased the 20ci the guys at the lake we are at said I could not have a boat like that and not ski, so I tried it and have been working on it since. My issue with the bouncing is it gets my wife thinking she is doing something wrong and so she does not want to pull me around. It makes it worse when I drive and there is no bounce. That is where the weight idea came from.



                  A simpithize with you on the wife thing, I've had some sensitive issues with my wife too. My kids don't cut her any slack at all on how she drives the boat and I have had to discipline my kids for there attitudes. But this porpoise thing is in no way due to anything she is doing and it shouldn't be a problem at all with the taps adjusted properly. Tige should be willing to fix the issue, but I have found with anything I buy its usually esier to just figure out the problem and fix it myself. I will report tomorrow on what the plate position should be in full down mode.
                  If I can be of any help at all, your in deep doo doo!


                    Originally posted by third timer View Post
                    Thanks for the welcome. I have never been much for online chat, but my attitudes are evolving. You all are people I can relate to. I'm working on some shots of the ride. If you want to see my last tige go to and check out the used boats. mines the pre 2050. The first one out of the mold in 97.
                    You are either kinda warped like us or have not read threads like "post whore" and "favorite Tige accessory"

                    J/K, welcome to the site. Nice looking 20V
                    Mikes Liquid Audio: Knowledge Experience Customer Service you can trust-KICKER WetSounds ACME props FlyHigh Custom Ballast Clarion LiquidLumens LEDs Roswell Wave Deflector And More



                      We'll see, but I guess I'm sort of still uncorrupted by experience when it comes to chat. Will you teach me?
                      If I can be of any help at all, your in deep doo doo!


                        is that u

                        Is that you Charlie P.?
                        If I can be of any help at all, your in deep doo doo!


                          pic of my 20V

                          Here are a couple of pics of my 2006 20V. As you can see I have an awesome Extreme trailer and a Tige cover. I also have the wind screen and a heater.
                          Attached Files


                            Gotta love the extreme trailers
                            Everything happens for a reason
                            I live my post whore life 30 seconds at a time


                              taps plate settings

                              Here are the pics I promised. I have about 1.5" as measured when using 2' of horozontal tape. I don't know if that description helps but I think they're pretty clear. Taps is set at 0 in these pics.
                              Attached Files
                              If I can be of any help at all, your in deep doo doo!


                                The boat looks great, I love red. Do you keep it on the trailer?
                                If I can be of any help at all, your in deep doo doo!

