The 2007 22Ve that is in Arkansas that I thought I had missed out on became available again, so it will soon be mine! I dropped off the deposit at lunch today. I'm super excited to start putting it to use. Thanks to everyone for your help. You guys rock!
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Tige 22ve vs. 24ve vs. Wakesetter 23 LSV
Tigé Junkie
- May 2013
- 920
- Central MN
- 2007 22Ve & 2015 Boston Whaler SS150 Previous: 2014 G23, 2013 Z1, 1997 Marada I/O
Excellent! Post pics when you get her.
I know you know this, but there is alot of good people and good information on this site for you.
Now that you have your boat, don't forget about us"I think I am pretty smart for an idiot"
Just these from the listing. We are going to take delivery on Thursday and I hope to have it out on the water on Monday. I'll try to get some more pictures then and post them.
Well, I am officially the owner of a Tige 22Ve!Got the paperwork finished and dropped off the payment today. We got to take it out for a little while, but the ballast pumps weren't working, so we had to leave it back at the dealer. The seller (dealer had it on consignment) agreed to take care of whatever it needs, so all is good. Now I just hope they are able to get it fixed before Monday so that we can take it out. I'll actually take it out either way, but I would prefer to not have to leave it back at the dealer again when we are done. I forgot to get a picture of her on the water, but here is one as we were getting ready to head to the ramp. I'll get some more on Monday.