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2300 V limited 2001 - pulls to the right

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    2300 V limited 2001 - pulls to the right

    Guys, new to the forum here.

    Have an 01 2300 V Limited. Picked it up in really good shape and with under 600 hours. Other than some fuel in bad shape and with some water, the boat looks really good.

    When trying it out the first few times, we are noticing that it tends to pull to the right if you let the steering wheel go, while riding in a straight line.

    Any pointers on where to start looking for a fix? What could be causing this?

    Thanks in advance for all input.

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    dont let go of the wheel.....? hah

    If you are slightly weighted more on the only driver in the boat. the boat will pull slightly right
    Maybe try taking a look at the rudder and prop. make sure they are free from debris and not bent


      I think my 21v pulls a little bit as well, nothing major though. I always assumed that it was from the prop rotation. I could be wrong though. I never really have worried about it

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        Thanks for the feedback so far. I spent all last summer on an 06 22Ve and you could literally let go the wheel at 3500 rpms and it would maintain course.

        If I do that on this one, it progressively will pull right untill the wheel goes full lock... Bit dangerous if you ask me.

        Anyone else experience something like this? Can it be a bent brass tracking fin?

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          It is a positive force on the rudder. You can grind the rudder down to make it neutral. Then you will have a wandering effect like grandma's old Cadillac.


            Tow boats are designed to pull to the right just a bit. It helps the driver maintain a straight course when towing. If it doesn't pull just a little, something in not quite right. Of course if it pulls too much, it's not quite right either.

            I'd say taking your hands off the wheel of a moving boat is a terrible idea in the first place. The only reason it would hold course is that the steering cable is F'd up.
            You'll get your chance, smart guy.


              Originally posted by Ruleman View Post
              Thanks for the feedback so far. I spent all last summer on an 06 22Ve and you could literally let go the wheel at 3500 rpms and it would maintain course.

              If I do that on this one, it progressively will pull right untill the wheel goes full lock... Bit dangerous if you ask me.

              Anyone else experience something like this? Can it be a bent brass tracking fin?

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              My 1999 2200 V does this too. I've noticed my steering wheel is off compared to the rudder. Local boat mechanic thinks it skipped a gear on the rack and pinion.

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                I should probably mention also that this is not about the wheel being centered when going straight. This is the boat turning on its own (and the wheel turning) when I take the hands off the wheel at speeds over 20 mph

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                  I had the same boat and was told by the factory it was supposed to pull to the right as that was how it was set up.


                    My 2300v will pull to the right as well esp when loaded unevenly. Like others have said, it is subjective as to what is "acceptable" vs what is an indicator that something is off.


                      Thanks for the feedback folks. I can imagine this is normal, and what I am seeing is probably just a very new/well lubricated steering cable.

                      It isn't terrible and I will definitely get used to it

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                        Its pretty normal for the boat to pull slightly to one way, and be a little more difficult to turn the wheel the other way. Do not do anything to the ruder, you will only make it worse. I would recommend checking the rudder packing, maybe it needs to be replaced along with a new steering cable.

