Hi guys can anyone tell me my pump has one solenoid it's a v351 but when I look the pump up it shows two solenoid swill that still work ,if not what would I be looking for . Thanks
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Taps bennett pump question
Just wanted to say thanks my new bennett pump is working great ,ebay sent me one and I modified it to be able to run the t so,all is good. Well except now I see the gauge dosnt move.i think there so ting in the ram ? Gauge is new and has power does anyone have a diagram of the wiring or is it just power , ground in middle and two outer post are for Leeds from rear of boat? Anyway thanks everyone for the advice
You might try the below link - the Bennett website has some good info:
I had my original factory single solenoid pump fail also, due to water getting into the system. The cause was failed seals in the pistons. I called Bennett and they sent new O-rings at no charge and I purchased a new single solenoid pump and swapped it out. Everything was working properly, but my gauge wasn't working. I troubleshot it using my meter and it was open, no resistance. I purchased a new ram that has the sensor inside (coil with fine copper wires). I had to modify the ram since the plastic molding below the copper coils was too long. This was a real pain in the but, but I was able to accomplish it and now my gauge works again. Lots of work to get there, but nice to have everything working. Hopefully this will last the remaining boat years since I take good care of things and the previous owner did not.