To the people that care and know how to change out the cutlass bearings in the shaft strut..... I posted a thread in the "general topics" about a month ago in regards to problems that I was having in removing my V-shaft from the transmission coupler. I tried to add this information to that thread, but could not find it. Anyway, after removing the shaft and having it checked for being true, the cutlass bearings need to be replaced. This was supposed to be an easy to locate part, WRONG.
The size needed for a 2004 20V Switch is: ID 1-1/8" and OD 1-3/8".
None of the local sources, Lewis Marine, Land N Sea, Port Supply (West Marine), Donovan, and all the local shaft/Prop shops could get this one. So, called the closest Tige Dealer (3 hours away) to get this item and they were going to charge $80 per bearing, plus shipping. So, I decided to research and find the source for this item. This is what I found. The strut manufacture is Marine Hardware. They deliver the strut to the Tige factory with the Cutlass bearings already installed. They do stock the bearings and do sell to the end user. I paid about $125 for the two cutlass bearings required with shipping and the taxes. The COST of these bearings are about $22-$29 a piece, but the end user gets the marked up price.
Here is the info to contact Marine Hardware Directly:
Marine Hardware, Inc.
14560 NE 91St St.
Redmond, WA 98052-6553
800-526-5971 or
They do have a warehouse in Pompano, FL too.
I post this information in hopes of helping someone else out in avoiding the frustration and aggravation. Also, the most important thing to remember when installing cutlass bearings is the FREEZER is your friend!
By throwing your cutlass bearings in the freezer several hours before installing them, they will "constrict", thus allowing for an easy installation with out 4 letter words and long phrases said under one's breath.
The size needed for a 2004 20V Switch is: ID 1-1/8" and OD 1-3/8".
None of the local sources, Lewis Marine, Land N Sea, Port Supply (West Marine), Donovan, and all the local shaft/Prop shops could get this one. So, called the closest Tige Dealer (3 hours away) to get this item and they were going to charge $80 per bearing, plus shipping. So, I decided to research and find the source for this item. This is what I found. The strut manufacture is Marine Hardware. They deliver the strut to the Tige factory with the Cutlass bearings already installed. They do stock the bearings and do sell to the end user. I paid about $125 for the two cutlass bearings required with shipping and the taxes. The COST of these bearings are about $22-$29 a piece, but the end user gets the marked up price.
Here is the info to contact Marine Hardware Directly:
Marine Hardware, Inc.
14560 NE 91St St.
Redmond, WA 98052-6553
800-526-5971 or
They do have a warehouse in Pompano, FL too.
I post this information in hopes of helping someone else out in avoiding the frustration and aggravation. Also, the most important thing to remember when installing cutlass bearings is the FREEZER is your friend!
