Hello All, And thanks ahead of time for any help. Had my 22V out on Lake Wylie for the 4th of July. I had stopped the boat after the person wake boarding dropped. Upon starting the boat under way again, I noticed a slight vibration coming from the prop area until the boat got up to speed. I hadn't noticed hitting anything in the water so, I thought something caught up in the prop like fishing line. I stopped and inspected the prop underwater just to find everything looking fine, it is an Acme 4 blade. So, thinking whatever it was had dropped off, I started up again only to find the vibration still there. I trailered the boat and closely inspected the prop but didn't notice any dings or nicks, not even any small ones. The only thing I did notice was the edges of the blades were a little rough and slightly burred. I have dinged my prop in the past and understand how sensitive they can be to the slightest imperfection but, the marks I found are very minuscule and even may have existed prior to taking the boat out but, can't be 100% sure. Does anyone know of a good prop shop in the Lake Wylie, SC area or around Charlotte that I can take the prop to see if it is out of balance? Any other ideas as to where the vibration may be coming from is also appreciated.
Thanks again for the help…..
Thanks again for the help…..
