I have noticed on a few of the 24V bilge pictures that people have bilge hose on both of the vents on the transom. One connected to the blower and one dangling down. The pic I saw it in is the ad for this 2005 24V
I also thought I may have noticed it on another couple pics but its tough to say.
I have only one on mine thats connected to the blower and the other is open.
Should I have a blower hose on that vent? Are they being added to keep water that gets in there to go to the bilge?
Any help is appreciated,
I also thought I may have noticed it on another couple pics but its tough to say.
I have only one on mine thats connected to the blower and the other is open.
Should I have a blower hose on that vent? Are they being added to keep water that gets in there to go to the bilge?
Any help is appreciated,