Well I finished the season strong but during the last run on the water I noticed the RPMs were reading way higher than they should have been. Under load the boat seemed to be bogging down as well... So far this year I replaced a lot of stuff I could from the ignition and fuel delivery components. Plugs, Wires, Cap, Rotor, IAC Valve, TPS... I'm not the most mechanically inclined but I'm pretty sure that sums it up. Anyway.. I went to replace my Alternator(Mine had been seeizing up for a while now and was hard to turn if I wasn't running the boat every other day) about 2 weeks later.. mind you I hadn't run the boat at all... and the gas in there is about 2 months old now.. not bad though (I'll throw some stabil in it to make sure). Always go to the same gas station and have never had an issue. But anyway, I put the new alternator on.. and went to start and seemed to be getting some back firing then the motor. Not sure what is going on or where to check. I'm pretty sure the alternator is not the culprit in this situation but where should I even start. I didn't want to keep cranking the motor over and make a bad problem worse but I'm having a mechanic look at it in the morning and I'm looking to see if anyone has any insight. I also replace one fuel injector this year as the #7 was stuck wide open for I don't know how long. so yeah.. hope this wasn't TMI... Any questions/answers are welcome.
Oh yeah.. Lastly.. I have had issues trying to crank the boat over.. especially right after trying to start.. I flip the key over and nothing sometimes.. makes the beeps.. but I can't crank the engine until like the third or fourth time i flip the key over... god what a messed up season.. lol
