Damn near cut my finger trying to take the cap and rotor off.... Had to get the channel locks for the rotor.. Holy crap.. I'm not sure how long my plugs were in there either but half of them either brok or cracked upon removal. Here is a pic of the cap.. it was def time to go I think. Im no pro though so maybe u can tell me with the pics attached. those of you who wonder how they go bad and what they look like.. There is corosion inside of it.. I even had a little bit of water in the bottom of mine... The gasket was not doing its job, to say the least.. Got new wires.. replaced the IAC valve.. and a new belt.. Cleand TPS.. Pretty much a tune up I guess... Now that O-ring on the V-drive went... does anybody think that is a result of the added power to the boat...? I don't think so.. just coincidental I hope.. Also, 7 of th 8 spark plugs looked good with the exception of number 4 (from firing order) being very dirty.. any suggestions on what to look at after replacing the O-ring.. seems like there is always something to overlook and then it is too late! Sorry for the novel!
Any input on what to check and maintain next would be appreciated.
