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Adding Ballast

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    who cares rope or not my sis surfs everyday behind mine and i hate picking her up and sinking the bow everytime she looses the wake. ya it dont look as good but id rather not circle around to pick her up anyways for the orig post on my 20I i have 2 650's in the back on each side of the motor and one 650 in the walkway to the front. i generally ride with 6 ppl often times I load it up with 10-12 id like to sink mine into the haul aswell but i dont see the room for it on mine maybe in the front only


      Obviously I care. The whole point of wakesurfing is not using the rope. I've got friend who never let go and everybody started getting sick of it, so he stepped up and started letting go. Now he dosen't want anything to do with the rope. The point is, he is way more satisfied with taking on the challenge of surfing rather than slow speed wakeskating. So far as stuffing the bow everytime you stop, either you have way too much weight or no one has versed you on how to slow down without stuffing the bow, or both. Either way it's just plain dangerous. I'd hate to see someone sink their Tige for the sake of a bigger wake. As a boat owner/operator it YOUR responsibility for the safety of your crew and your craft. I see way too many people do stupid crap way too often. Sorry people, I don't mean rant but, it really p*sses me off when someone comes at me with a stupid remark and they're rational for it is as stupid as the remark itself. I'm all about fun with however you want to do what you do, weather it's with a rope or not. I was just trying to make a simple point. Surfing with a rope is not surfing.

      Can a brother get a spell check?
      You'll get your chance, smart guy.


        do i know how to slow down corectly yes i do unlike others who rip around after someone falls. i was a wakeboard instructor and boat driver for 3 yrs. do i have to much weight in my boat yes i do and i know this but i also know the limits of my boat and of my lake (small and calm) and i know i will not sink or submarine my boat. considering the water level is a couple inches to the rubber bumper on my boat in the front when its all weighted down and the swim deck is a good shin deep when people are in. this may sound stupid to you but i'm willing to sacrafice this for the wake. i have owned this boat for 3 yrs now and have always weighted it this way for the 3 yrs


          Sorry if I got all fired up on you dude. I hope you you didn't take it too personally. I'm kind of a safety freek and all I wanted to do was point out the dangers of that type of set up. Then I took it personally. That was wrong. If your willing to accept the dangers of your set up, then do it. My max set up is 500 in the trunk, 500 in the front walkway and 10 people. I rarely have 10 people out so it is usually 4-5 people. I try to keep the set up ballanced front to rear in order to "sink" the boat evenly and maintain the boats normal attitude. This lets me use the taps more effectively to shape the wake. I'm trying to achieve good faces on both sides so that I can transfer from frontside to backside or visa versa and air over the hip. You will not get the pure size out of it like you will with wieghting to one side but, the opportunities this set up creates are worth it for me.
          You'll get your chance, smart guy.


            no biggie man its the internet you can never take anything to hart on here. as for your set up its fine to but i hate the taps on the tige's and i never use it i hate what it does for the wake. in my opinion it would be better if they ditiched the plate and went with a actual ballast but that doesnt just go for tige it goes for the malibu's aswell and ive never riddden behind the supra/moombus but i'm assuming there plate is garbage aswell


              I always find it interesting when people tell others they have too much weight in their boats. Of the folks I ride with here no one puts less than 2k in their boats. SAN, MC, Tige, Malibu, Supra... A few of us are running close to 3k plus people. I think that is just where these things need to be.

              20up... the Taps makes a good improvement in shape. You can steepen it up a lot with the taps up if you have enough weight in the nose.


                for my self i'm running out of places to put weight and still have room for ppl i can take out the back seat put one there then something in the storage locker but then id need more weight up front and anymore weight up front would deffinetly sink the nose. i usualy put 2 ppl in the front and its ok but i woudlnt go more. i like the size it throws with 10 ppl and 1800 of ballast and no taps. my boats not ment to take much more weight its a low sitting boat, maybe i'll upgrade


                  Depends on what type of wake you like, but I am partial to steep as opposed to rampy. If you get enough weight in the nose you can taps full up and it puts a much nicer lip on the wake. But, for the Malibu guys that come out with me, they like the taps down for the rampiness.


                    well maybe i'll give it a try this weekend i'll thro 3 ppl in the front this time and play with the taps as long as tehy can head to the back when i need to stop


                      20, did you load up the nose yet?

                      I think we had the perfect wake last week. 2 750s in the rear. Once in the center up front. 2x200's up front. 400 Lbs of lead in the nose. 3 people seated in the nose. 7 in the main area. Taps full up... Then there was killer riding. 9's, Switch Crow, Moby 5, Skeezer, HS BS 5, HS FS 7.... was insane I say.

                      I think the 24v loaded up may have truly the best wake in the industry.


                        the guy in the pic can surf just fine with out the rope. I was not there that day, but they may have been trying out a new board (CWB ) or just getting up and took the pic before he let go. Either way, Lee was simply showing the wake.


                          You'll get your chance, smart guy.


                            yea i load up the nose with a 650 in the walkway i can barly put anymore weight there tho it rides at the rubber bumper at idleing speed but i was playing with it a bit and found that taps on 2 worked really good



                              Do you guys carry lead ballast? If not, do you know where to get some?
                              Cursed by a fortune cookie: "Your principles mean more to you than any money or success."


                                Originally posted by tweirich

                                Do you guys carry lead ballast? If not, do you know where to get some?
                                i dont use any, however Damon has a few bars in his 22v, but he's had them a loooong time. You may give him a call at the SkiDock and see if he can remember where he got them. 512.918.2628

