Originally posted by SPBFAN
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24V Won't run
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I am super new to the forum, and not really to knowledgeable about marine engines. However, the new the alternater you got was it referb. or brand new? I had the samething happen to me once (with a car) bought a referb took it home same problem about $1500 dollars later and no fix took what I thought was a working alternator turn out, that one blew first crank. You may want to pull your alternator take it to any auto part store and have them test it.My life's journey is not ending up looking pretty, its sliding in broadside, used up, worn out, screaming "What a Ride"
Another question. Just talked to the service manager at the dealer that did the distributor work (replaced cap and rotor). Is it standard practice not to check timing when only replacing the cap and rotor? He said they didn't. Just tossed the new cap and rotor on there and called it done. The whole reason I told them to do it was because I assumed they'd verify the timing. Paid them over $300 for 10 minutes worth of work and < $50 in parts. I could have done that myself.
Ok..a bit of an update. I've got the boat at an independent mechanic now and he determined the IAC was bad. So being a marine power engine I ordered the whole throttle body from them and he put that on. He says it'll now run great for a few minutes and then it shuts itself off and the fuel pump will keep running for a bit. He says that after the engine dies the pressure will ramp up from 52/53 to 65 or so then back to 50 and then back to 0.
He says it's also throwing a code for high voltage at the injectors. He's got a friend coming over to look at it with him that has more experience with marine power engines.
Any ideas?Last edited by strohlde; 08-26-2010, 11:18 PM.
Originally posted by strohlde View PostAnother question. Just talked to the service manager at the dealer that did the distributor work (replaced cap and rotor). Is it standard practice not to check timing when only replacing the cap and rotor? He said they didn't. Just tossed the new cap and rotor on there and called it done. The whole reason I told them to do it was because I assumed they'd verify the timing. Paid them over $300 for 10 minutes worth of work and < $50 in parts. I could have done that myself.
I'm not quite sure his method for testing the IAC, he does have the appropriate software to plug into the computer. He did say though that it was all over the place before. So not sure if the software tells you that or if he just checked the voltage. He says that now the IAC is reading correctly and doing what it should be doing, but that something is now killing the engine after a few minutes. I'm not entirely sure but I'm beyond frustrated at this point, hopefully this other guy can figure it out.
And the runs great but dies is more that previously it idled rather rough, whereas now he says it runs really smooth at idle (while it's running).
And the more I know now I guess they shouldn't have checked the timing after replacing just the cap/rotor as it shouldn't have changed.. just peaved I paid over $300 for that.
Originally posted by dom w. forte View PostDid your new independent go in and check the cam angle sensor adjustment first as oringinnally discussed?
Thanks Dom!
Should have gotten this thing over to you before it left FloridaBut of course I didn't know anything was wrong
Originally posted by strohlde View PostNow he's determined the fuel pump is dead. It was intermittent, he says now there is no fuel at the rails so it seems to have totally died.
He said the injector code is "high injector side b" but that apparently Marine Power doesn't publish their codes so he's not sure what that means.
Ok. He's telling me the EFI isn't firing the B side injectors. Does this require a new EFI? Or can the thing be flashed? I wouldn't think we'd need to replace the whole thing? And if so...anyone have a good place to pick up a cheap MEFI 4?
He snagged a MEFI off of another boat and said it runs great now. But I suppose that still doesn't mean flashing it isn't an option. Anyone know what the diff is between 4, 4a, 4b on a MEFI?Last edited by strohlde; 09-09-2010, 04:50 PM.
The marine MEFI units are diffrent in a lot of ways than cars. You will need to get it from Marine Power. I suggest contacting them to see if you can get it from them as the starting point. They can send you one programed and ready to go if they will sell it direct to you.www.automarinecare.com CWB, ACME, FlyHigh, Merc Marine, PCM, Marine-power, WETSOUNDS, HSE Volume Controls, Kicker, Sony, Samson Sports, and many other marine parts or accessory's.