I don't think anyone travels Rice Rd more than me.
I stop for accidents, and lend aid. Rice rd has more than it's fair share of accidents,, and I stop because I hope if I ever get creamed,, others stop to help us, and it's the right thing to do anyway.
Not a whole lot you can do to lend aid. Airway, bleeding, circulation,, keep the people comfortable for the several hours it may take help to arrive.
Yep, several hours.
I could write threads and threads of traffic accidents on Rice rd but I'll spare you. The truth is stranger than fiction,, and I've got some crazy stories about accidents we encountered in route to and from the river.
Alternate safer routes are Ehrenberg rd, about 15 minutes farther East on route 10.
It's flat and straight, far fewer drunks,, perhaps you won't even pass anyone at all along it. Rarely a traffic accident on it.
It'll drop you off in Parker and you can proceed to your destination.
Also consider coming through Lake Havasu via route 40.
Far far few accidents on these 2 routes if safety on the road along Rice Rd has been in the back of you mind.
It should be.
Don't be impatient and want to pass, especially in tow.
Enjoy the ride, even if the guy you're following is only doing 50 or 55. So what,, get there safely,, spot yourself another 30 minutes and be safe on your drive to the river.
I stop for accidents, and lend aid. Rice rd has more than it's fair share of accidents,, and I stop because I hope if I ever get creamed,, others stop to help us, and it's the right thing to do anyway.
Not a whole lot you can do to lend aid. Airway, bleeding, circulation,, keep the people comfortable for the several hours it may take help to arrive.
Yep, several hours.
I could write threads and threads of traffic accidents on Rice rd but I'll spare you. The truth is stranger than fiction,, and I've got some crazy stories about accidents we encountered in route to and from the river.
Alternate safer routes are Ehrenberg rd, about 15 minutes farther East on route 10.
It's flat and straight, far fewer drunks,, perhaps you won't even pass anyone at all along it. Rarely a traffic accident on it.
It'll drop you off in Parker and you can proceed to your destination.
Also consider coming through Lake Havasu via route 40.
Far far few accidents on these 2 routes if safety on the road along Rice Rd has been in the back of you mind.
It should be.
Don't be impatient and want to pass, especially in tow.
Enjoy the ride, even if the guy you're following is only doing 50 or 55. So what,, get there safely,, spot yourself another 30 minutes and be safe on your drive to the river.