Here are a few of the pics that I took while at the Cold Water Reunion. It was an absolutely beautiful day, water was very nice all day long. Had many opportunities to put faces with names. Lots of fun. A big thanks goes out to Talltigeguy and Matt from Boats of Nevada (and anyone else who had anything to do with putting on this great event).
First picture is of Doms dog with nice doggie booties.
Second is of Doms in the soundoff.
Third is lunchtime at the beach, hosted by boats of nevada.
Fourth is Matt and Tony from Tige.
Fifth is Matt's RZ4 that he brought for us to look over.
First picture is of Doms dog with nice doggie booties.
Second is of Doms in the soundoff.
Third is lunchtime at the beach, hosted by boats of nevada.
Fourth is Matt and Tony from Tige.
Fifth is Matt's RZ4 that he brought for us to look over.