Anhaney has graciously agreed to use his good connections to hook us up with cleaning supplies at the reunion in October. He will try to make it, but if he cannot, he will get the supplies to another Southern Californian who can. This saves us some shipping charges!
Anhaney, please respond here to describe what you have available to you and how much the price is, as well as how you would like payment.
Thanks for doing this. Haney pretty much does this for his cost, and has been a real asset to this board.
I bought some Babe's vinyl conditioner and some Ducky cleaner earlier this year from him and have been very pleased.
Anhaney, please respond here to describe what you have available to you and how much the price is, as well as how you would like payment.
Thanks for doing this. Haney pretty much does this for his cost, and has been a real asset to this board.
I bought some Babe's vinyl conditioner and some Ducky cleaner earlier this year from him and have been very pleased.