June 9 — First Annual North Carolina/Southeast Tigé Owners Day
Sponsors: Lake Wylie Boats and Yacht (HQ Marine), Pro Marine & Gunnells Marine
Tigé Owners day on Lake Wylie Charlotte, North Carolina. Food, fun, prizes and live entertainment. Be prepared to come early and stay late! For more information go to www.tigeowners.com and look under Events or email Michael Sims at chpthril@bellsouth.net (704) 616-4749
June 11–15 — Lewis Smith Lake in Jasper Alabama
Come out and ride with Tigé Pro Rider Cathy Williams June 11-15th. Sponsored by NelemsMarine. If you are interested in the clinic please contact Karen fromNelems Marine at nelems@bellsouth.net
June 15–17 — Annual Customer Appreciation/ Lake Raystown – Huntingdon , Pennsylvania
2nd Annual Customer Appreciation, (Tigé Owners Group) and Tigé DemoDays. Anyone who wants to join the Gettysburg Marine Center family iswelcome. For more information and reservations contact Katherine Fultzsales@gettysburgmarinecenter.com or call (717) 339-0321.
Sponsors: Lake Wylie Boats and Yacht (HQ Marine), Pro Marine & Gunnells Marine
Tigé Owners day on Lake Wylie Charlotte, North Carolina. Food, fun, prizes and live entertainment. Be prepared to come early and stay late! For more information go to www.tigeowners.com and look under Events or email Michael Sims at chpthril@bellsouth.net (704) 616-4749
June 11–15 — Lewis Smith Lake in Jasper Alabama
Come out and ride with Tigé Pro Rider Cathy Williams June 11-15th. Sponsored by NelemsMarine. If you are interested in the clinic please contact Karen fromNelems Marine at nelems@bellsouth.net
June 15–17 — Annual Customer Appreciation/ Lake Raystown – Huntingdon , Pennsylvania
2nd Annual Customer Appreciation, (Tigé Owners Group) and Tigé DemoDays. Anyone who wants to join the Gettysburg Marine Center family iswelcome. For more information and reservations contact Katherine Fultzsales@gettysburgmarinecenter.com or call (717) 339-0321.