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Lake Mead Tige reunion PICS!!!

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    Lake Mead Tige reunion PICS!!!

    The reunion of November 11, 2006 was terrific! The guys at Tige and Boats of Nevada really stepped up and made it a great time. The weather was not perfect, but like chptril said, it was better than a good day at work. Air temp did get over 60 late in the afternoon. There was a slight breeze all day. The water was around 64, warmer than the air, it actually felt warmer to fall!

    Tony from corporate tige (tony the tige guy) came and helped drive and rafffle some terrific prizes. They had the usual goodies such as T-shirts, key rings, stickers and a few wakeboard ropes, but went way over the top with a pair of tower speakers and some water weenies! Team Allen came home with the tower speakers. They also gave away big money off of a new boat or a large amount of cash to use to 'pimp my ride'. Unfortunately, I did not win that.

    The fire on the beach and marshmallows were a terrific time to just gather and socialize.

    One of Tige's newest pro riders came and treated us to a terrific wakeboarding show with multiple complex inverts, 540's and the like. Adam was a nice young man, and was very easy to talk to.

    Several guys had the chance to see my rival system and check out the surf wake. The Addictions were blaring a few times as well.

    A good time was had by all. I hope that we do it again next year. Perhaps October would be a slightly better chance to find good weather? Although the two weeks prior to the reunion were perfect.

    I only took a few pics, there were many others there with cameras...Post your pics and comments here!
    Be excellent to one another.

    On my way through Overton, I was delayed by the Veteran's day parade. There was a terrific group of old army jeeps and such that I was right behind. Note that the one car is a modified tank of sorts.
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    Be excellent to one another.


      On the dock. You can see XPJIM in the yellow jacket.

      The two boats on the ramp about to get in were just delivered the day before the reunion. Beautiful 24Ve's.

      There is tim and Julie's 21i and then my boat. Team Allen's boat is just out in the water on the right.
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      Be excellent to one another.


        Note the PFD!

        My wife wakesurfing. Jim makes some terrific ballast!
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        Be excellent to one another.


          Jim let us use his Big Red surfboard. Thanks for letting us share!
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          Be excellent to one another.


            We had a great time as well. It was a great day with great people! Thanks to Tige' Boats of Nevada (Matt & Ingrid) and Talltigeguy for putting it all together.

            We were very lucky with the prize raffle. A shirt, two wakeboard ropes and a set of chrome Tige' tower speakers. Now I have to start reading up on all the stereo threads.

            Adam the pro rider was great! My kids loved him and the RZ2.

            We were on the water Friday as well. The sun was out but the wind was blowing. We found a shelterd cove and spent the day there. That will be my first pic.
            Attached Files
            Mike Allen, Tigé owner since 1997


              Here is the dock line up from my launching perspective.
              Attached Files
              Mike Allen, Tigé owner since 1997


                Here was our sandy beach camp.
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                Mike Allen, Tigé owner since 1997


                  A group wide shot.
                  Attached Files
                  Mike Allen, Tigé owner since 1997


                    A little closer.
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                    Mike Allen, Tigé owner since 1997



                      That is a sweet pic of your wife wakesurfing. She is so far back. Is that behind your boat? How come we can't get that far back? Then again, maybe you can.


                        Fire huddle.
                        Attached Files
                        Mike Allen, Tigé owner since 1997


                          Eating the great food and shooting the breeze.
                          Attached Files
                          Mike Allen, Tigé owner since 1997


                            Here was Tony from Tige' coming back from the ride with pro Adam in the loaded RZ2.
                            Attached Files
                            Mike Allen, Tigé owner since 1997


                              A great time!!

                              Man I look short next to talltigeguy. .

                              Thanks to Talltigeguy, Matt and Ingrid and Tony. It was a great event. Nice to meet everyone.

                              Thanks to Tall and his wife for letting me be ballast on their boat. His ballast system throws an awesome surf wake. The NVS speakers sounded great and his musical selection on his IPOD is very similar to mine.

                              My wife is not going to be happy with the new must have boat items.

                              Talltigeguy also had his FAE installed. His boat is so quiet. Huge difference.

                              Teamallen must have some Irish in him as they swept the raffles. He also just got by me in fantasy football yesterday. I couldn't have lost to a nicer guy.

                              Overall excellent event and cannot wait to do it again!!
                              Last edited by xpjim1; 11-13-2006, 04:56 PM.
                              Let it be!!!

