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Life of 22i Riders?

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    Life of 22i Riders?

    I'm thinking about purchasing either an '04 or '05 22i Riders edition in the near future but have some concerns about how much longer Tige' will continue to produce this model before replacing it with something else (or eliminating it in favor of V-drive models). (Mainly resale and depreciation related)

    Anyone have any insight into the production life of the 22i or know if there are "major" changes planned in the future (other than '05 tower and interior)?

    Has anyone out there owned both a 22i and a 22V? Which way would you recommend I go? I have looked at both. My problem with the 22V is that the passengers are sitting right on top of the driver. The interior space seems really cramped. My problem with the 22i is the engine in the center of the boat...


    I don't think tige will discontinue the 21i anytime soon, they are some of the most popular boats tige makes. I have owned both, a 2003 21i and a 2003 22V. I would pick the V drive over the two of them, the interior may seem smaller, but we felt that the engine cover on the 21i was more restricting than the smaller space. If you really want some interior room, go for the 24V, it is huge!
    my 2 cents
    "I want to know God's thoughts, the rest are just details"


      I have an '03 22i and could not be happier with it. The major advantage over the V is the seating. I can comfortably fit 11 people without worring about swamping like the 21i. Overall for the money that wake has a nice shape and I think the boat looks better.

      The one down fall is if you don't have enough weight the wake loses a lot of hieght. When the boat is packed its great, but if you only have 4 or 5 people or a bunch of girls the wake is just ok.

      For the money I thought the i was a much better deal.

      My 2 cents


        I own a 21i and I use to think the V's sucked because like you said everyone is right on top of the driver. After having been in a couple V's it really isn't that bad and the wake created by one versus what a inboard can create is well worth whatever cramping there might be. I love my 21i but I think when it's time for a new boat I'll be going with a v-drive.

