This year I am putting in the third steering cable in my 2007 22I has this been an issue? the first replacement was covered by warranty and since has not! not sure what to do about this as Im not happy paying for another cable as the steering gets very tight. anybody have this same issue and have any ideas to help?
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2007 22I steering cable
About every 5ish years is normal for a new cable, but your way above the average. When you replace it I would make sure to use a newer telefex extreme cable, and make sure to route it as high in the bilge as possible so you don't leave it sitting in bilge water. Look at the turns it takes and possibly route it so it doesn't take any tight turns. The new extreme cable is able to take a tighter bend but in your situation I think it's a routing issue, water in bilge and maybe a tight bend.2009 RZ2, PCM 343, MLA Surf Ballast, Premium Sound.
2013 Toyota Sequoia 4WD W/Timbren SES
One other suggestion I have read is to crank the wheel all the way to the left at the end of the day after you have trailered, docked, or lifted your boat. This retracts the cable into its sheath at the rudder end of the cable, hopefully minimizing the exposure to water sitting in the bilge.
thank you both! I have heard about grounding the taps plate so I believe my boat mechanic is doing that too. the cable has been high in the bilge area not sure it has ever seen water except the occasional splash from a hard turn.. I also followed the cable to make sure of no tight turns and in this boat there really isn't any tight turns at all pretty much a straight shot! I will also look into the extreme cable. thank you
I have a 2004 22I that is new to me a couple months ago and I replaced mine today. I was really happy with how it went and found it quite easy and quick. Mine old was was similar to using a cable machine at the gym with 50 lbs on it, now the new one feels like the wheel is spinning free. I am looking forward to getting in on he lake tomorrow to see how it feels moving.