Currently looking to get a 97-98 Tige Pre 2002 WT to replace our Gekko GTR-22. The Gekko just takes water over the bow way too easily: two people sitting in front causes it to take water over the bow just from decelerating
and it constantly takes water over the back from deceleration as well. Since we also Air Chair in the afternoon when the water gets rougher, having the TAPS system should help smooth out the rough water ride, but my main concern is the slalom wake. How is the slalom wake on these boats, and how do they compare to a Response LX with the Diamond hull? The reason why I'm looking at the Pre 2002 is because it has the walk-thru open bow, as we didn't really like the climb-over design of the GTR-22, and the LX is a climb-over design. I know Water Ski mag gave the Pre 2002 glowing reviews, but there's no direct comparison between the Response LX and the 2002.
Also, what about the 99-2001 21i?
Thanks in advance!

Also, what about the 99-2001 21i?
Thanks in advance!