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Teak swim deck

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    That doesn’t make sense each new swim step should come with a new one year warranty. Does not matter if it was warranted before that is why they have warranties to protect you from the product going bad before its time? You can’t put and old warranty on a new product!
    I think tige should give you the fiberglass step for free because its not your falt the keep giving you crappy teak steps and have to take time out of you day to fix it, but if the do give you or buy a new fiberglass step will there be no warranty so if it breakes in a week do you have to buy a new step????
    Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. THAT'S relativity. Albert Einstein



      Last year TIGE only offered a white fiberglass platform with the black no slip insert. This year you can color match the platform to the boat.

      Any body have picks of this separation. Is it where the top deck attached to the lower teak boards for support and mounting?

      G-Money - How is your deck holding up?

      On my 2002 20V, I had the teak deck Rhino Lined. Best thing I did, Loved it. On my 2005 24V I got the fiberglass platform, while it is nice I do have lots of scratches from the boards. If I had to do it again I would get Teak and Rhino line it.

      On the 2006 platforms the non slip goes almost to the edge which might eliminate some of the scratches
      Let it be!!!


        Any word from TIGE regarding why your decks are failing? Keep us posted with details


          swim deck

          No , no word yet, I called my dealer this morning to have a new Teak deck ordered, but as usual they haven't called back.!

          I dont know as to why the decks keep falling apart, no answer to that yet either, this will be my fourth teak deck. My dealer told me a week ago (after I called them!)hmmm, imagine that...that if I wanted to upgrade to a new fiberglass deck it was going to cost me $250 to upgrade the deck and $100 dollars for the "special color" and $200 dollars for installation for a total of $550 dollars, and if I were to buy the fiberglass deck a year from now after the warranty expires, it would run me anywhere from $700 to $900 bucks.(not including labor)

          Now, Andrew from Tige in Abilene Texas, quoted me a few weeks ago over the phone that it was a $180 upgrade to fiberglass and whatever the special color fee would be, probably $100 or so, but then told my wife later that day that he doesn't quote prices, that my dealership would do that

          So, Im opting to stay with the Teak, and hope it doesn't fall apart again, I did find out that "SKIVIEW MARKETING" is the one making these decks according to the paper work that came with the boat, (im assuming this is a company?) haven't found a web site for them yet or a phone number, so if anyone knows of or has heard of these people let me know.
          I dont think TIGE is changing there Teak decks anytime soon, so,
          I guess the bottom line is "WATCH YOUR DECK CLOSELY"!!
          I will let you know what happens when i get my FOURTH deck, if my dealership ever calls me back!
          Customer service!!hahahahaha


            Originally posted by firemangr82b1

            #2 Yes, dealerships have there own pricing on Tige products including their boats.
            I was told from Tige that it is an $180 upgrade plus the cost of any special color of my boat that I might have.
            I have been thinking about this for a wile and I have to ask the question. Which Tige dealers have the highest prices? There must be some info on this somewhere. As Tige owners we should know where the highest priced and lowest priced dealers are so we can make our own choices of where we spend our money.
            Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. THAT'S relativity. Albert Einstein


              Firemangr -

              Explain installation! Do you mean put it on the back of the boat and put the pins in? Or am I supposed to think that the deck comes without the mounting brackets on it, so they spend 10 minutes putting the screws through the brackets into the deck. Installation fee seems a little wierd.

              I echo the comments above - a new deck should come with a new warranty.

              Andrew's tone (I'm probably making this up) sounds like Tige is fed up with this problem, and he either thinks you are abusing the decks causing failure, or he is disgusted with how they are being made so that they fail so easily. It sounds like this is a problem for more than one Tige owner. Of the hundreds of Teak decks sold in recent years - how many have failed?
              Be excellent to one another.


                I agree with talltigeguy.

                Wouldn't the dealer have to put the same screws into the teak deck for installation.

                Why is installation covered for teak but not the fiberglass.

                Sounds like the dealership is screwing with you
                Let it be!!!


                  Maybe I'm just lucky, but my deck is great. I have had my boat for 3 years, and this winter was the first time I touched the deck. Two summers no oil or anything. Sure it was a little faded, but all joits still look new. ??? Go figure.


                    Its been about 10 days. Whats the status? Has anyone figured out what is going on with your teak platforms? You at least got a brouchure, I didn't. How about anyone else??? Don't know who made mine. Does Tige have one supplier and what are they doing to resolve the problem? Would be nice to know. When I took the platform off, I found that the bottom was not oiled at all. Everyone may want to check this.


                      Teak deck

                      I contacted my dealership last week to find out whats happening with my deck and to let them know to order me a new Teak deck, they told me that they wanted me to send them some pictures of the old deck which would be forwarded to Abilene Texas, and as soon as Texas looked at the pictures of the deck, they would authorize a new Teak deck, I also asked if they were looking into why there having problems with the decks, and he assured me they are, so, as of now im just waiting to see if they authorize me a new deck or if im stuck with the old deck thats re-glued and screwed with 80+ screws from underneath, Im hoping they do the right thing, I dont know if they have more than one supplier, but they might after this...L


                        Originally posted by G-MONEY
                        I have been thinking about this for a wile and I have to ask the question. Which Tige dealers have the highest prices? There must be some info on this somewhere. As Tige owners we should know where the highest priced and lowest priced dealers are so we can make our own choices of where we spend our money.
                        My experience with Tige was this, each dealership has its own prices including their boat prices. Tige has this policy, that if you call any dealership they will ask you were you live and refer you to the nearest dealer in your area, that dealer has its own prices, could be more, could be less, I was actually told from my dealership (were I purchased the boat) that i couldnt buy the boat that I wanted and have now because there was a dealership closer in my area and I would have to buy from them, that dealerships price on the boat was $5000.00 more for less of a boat and less upgraded features.
                        I ended up buying from who I wanted to, but the other dealership was a little upset.
                        So, to make your own choice of where you purchase your boat, my experience is you have to put up a little fight to get what you want and to purchase from whom you want, at least in my area!


                          Re: swim deck

                          Originally posted by firemangr82b1

                          Just got a new quote on decks from my dealer, the new cost of the decks now has gone up, (i guess because gas went up too) the new cost is $685.00 to upgrade from Teak to Fiberglass and if I chose to replace my Teak they would honor a new teak deck pending viewing of the pictures I sent them.
                          The cost of a new Teak from my dealer is $800.00 and a new Fiberglass deck is $1100.00 as far as installation on a new fiberglass, I was told there are a bunch more holes to drill on the back of the boat to accomodate the fiberglass deck and brackets, the Teak should install the same way

                          No , no word yet, I called my dealer this morning to have a new Teak deck ordered, but as usual they haven't called back.!

                          I dont know as to why the decks keep falling apart, no answer to that yet either, this will be my fourth teak deck. My dealer told me a week ago (after I called them!)hmmm, imagine that...that if I wanted to upgrade to a new fiberglass deck it was going to cost me $250 to upgrade the deck and $100 dollars for the "special color" and $200 dollars for installation for a total of $550 dollars, and if I were to buy the fiberglass deck a year from now after the warranty expires, it would run me anywhere from $700 to $900 bucks.(not including labor)

                          Now, Andrew from Tige in Abilene Texas, quoted me a few weeks ago over the phone that it was a $180 upgrade to fiberglass and whatever the special color fee would be, probably $100 or so, but then told my wife later that day that he doesn't quote prices, that my dealership would do that

                          So, Im opting to stay with the Teak, and hope it doesn't fall apart again, I did find out that "SKIVIEW MARKETING" is the one making these decks according to the paper work that came with the boat, (im assuming this is a company?) haven't found a web site for them yet or a phone number, so if anyone knows of or has heard of these people let me know.
                          I dont think TIGE is changing there Teak decks anytime soon, so,
                          I guess the bottom line is "WATCH YOUR DECK CLOSELY"!!
                          I will let you know what happens when i get my FOURTH deck, if my dealership ever calls me back!
                          Customer service!!hahahahaha

                          Just got a new quote on decks from my dealer, the new cost of the decks now has gone up, (i guess because gas went up too) the new cost is $685.00 to upgrade from Teak to Fiberglass and if I chose to replace my Teak they would honor a new teak deck pending viewing of the pictures I sent them.
                          The cost of a new Teak from my dealer is $800.00 and a new Fiberglass deck is $1100.00 as far as installation on a new fiberglass, I was told there are a bunch more holes to drill on the back of the boat to accomodate the fiberglass deck and brackets, the Teak should install the same way.


                            Originally posted by firemangr82b1
                            I was actually told from my dealership (were I purchased the boat) that i couldnt buy the boat that I wanted and have now because there was a dealership closer in my area and I would have to buy from them, that dealerships price on the boat was $5000.00 more for less of a boat and less upgraded features.
                            I ended up buying from who I wanted to, but the other dealership was a little upset.
                            So, to make your own choice of where you purchase your boat, my experience is you have to put up a little fight to get what you want and to purchase from whom you want, at least in my area!

                            I did the same thing I went out and bought a boat from who gave me the best deal.

                            1) I saved a lot of money.
                            2) I got a boat I wanted.
                            3) It is loaded

                            People stress to do your homework on the boats and post big write-ups on Tige vs. who ever but forget to do their homework on the dealerships. I stress once you decide to buy a tige or any boat for that matter shop around to find a better deal. You don’t have to buy from the local dealership.
                            Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. THAT'S relativity. Albert Einstein


                              Originally posted by G-MONEY Thats right, you dont have to buy from your closest dealer just because they want you to!!
                              Shop and research for crazy policys like this one, they can't tell you were you can spend your hard earned AMERICAN money!!

                              I did the same thing I went out and bought a boat from who gave me the best deal.

                              1) I saved a lot of money.
                              2) I got a boat I wanted.
                              3) It is loaded

                              People stress to do your homework on the boats and post big write-ups on Tige vs. who ever but forget to do their homework on the dealerships. I stress once you decide to buy a tige or any boat for that matter shop around to find a better deal. You don’t have to buy from the local dealership.


                                Soooo.......... Is it better to pay a little extra for better service and being local?
                                I'm on a boat man. I got my flippy floppies....

