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    I recently bought a 2005 21i from my dealer and I have a few questions about it.

    1. What is the wake like..? should i add ballast..? if need be how much ballast and where..? whats should i set the taps to..for inverts and twists without ballast..? with ballast..?

    Last edited by make_a_wake; 02-08-2006, 08:47 PM.
    The only difference between stupidity and genuis is that genius has its limits.

    I think you will have to go out there, and adjust to the way you like it. If you like rampy wakes, hard wakes, high...... etc. My brother learned back rolls behind my old boat. .... about a foot and a half wake, that was really washy. SKILL level and ability are more important than wake. Especially if you are new. If the wake is too large, you will be scared to "hit it" and instantly you have negated the reason for getting the big wake.....

    Here is a link to a thread that has more info.

    just my .02
    Last edited by Boarder_X; 02-09-2006, 02:30 AM.


      I have a 2004 22i. We put 500lb bags in the rear hatches and a 600lb bag between the seats in the front. I you do not ballast the front of the boat the wake will get very washed out. However, you need to be careful and not put too much ballast in the front because it it definatley lower it ot the water.
      This setup will give you a clean wake that is steep enough to do any trick.


        Something just came to me about the ballast..I ususaly ride with six people 2 kids (65,75) 3 Teens(100-125) and One adult (215) in the boat so would i need as much ballast..?
        The only difference between stupidity and genuis is that genius has its limits.


          We usually ride with 2 adults and at least 4-5 teens weighing over 175 lbs. I have had as many as 11 people with full ballast. This really comes down to how good the wakeboarders are. If they are beginners then I would not use any ballast and just play with TAPS. My boys became very good wakeboarders behind a 18 foot Glastron. Once they get to intermediate where they are very comfortable behind the boat and want to push more difficult tricks then you should start adding ballast. I would buy the bigger bags and partially fill them at first. When I have a beginner or low intermediate I run the TAPS at 0 because the wake is too intimidating.
          My oldest is an advanced rider and has been behind many good wakeboarding boats (Mastercraft, Malibu, Calabria) and he actually preferes the wake of our 22i.


            Yeah the guys I ride with are ok just me and my buddy are the only ones who do like front rolls, tantrums raleys 180 3's etc..i also learned behind a 17ft maxum how to do flips and spins. Could you still pull these tricks off without ballast..? like if you had the sacs empty..?
            Last edited by make_a_wake; 02-16-2006, 05:43 AM.
            The only difference between stupidity and genuis is that genius has its limits.


              It all comes down to how much heigth you want to get. Sounds like a couple of you are doing some advanced tricks so I would definately kick in some ballast. TAPS will do a good job of kicking the wake down for the less experienced riders. Our setup again is ballast in the two rear compartments and one between the seats in front. We bought two pumps as one takes too long to fill and empty all the bags. It is worth the investment.
              Be careful when you come around to pick up a down boarder with balleast in front. Otherwise you will load the front of the boat with a lot of unwanted water.



                I have an 04' 22i and want to add 1000 pounds of ballast in the rear compartments. As you know they are narrow at the bottom. What kind of bags are you using? Any concerns with too much pressure on the side walls?


                  Sorry about the delayed response. I have Phat sacs in the rear compartments. The sacks tend to comform to the compartment when water is put in so I am not concerned about the pressure. I think they are 550 or 600 lbs each. We tried the idea of putting sacks between the engine compartment and the rear but they get in the way of everyone. We found that the inconvenience was not worth it. When we teak surf though we take the bag out of the front and put it behind the motor. It takes a lot teenagers to move the sack so we plan our teak surfing for the end of the day. You do not want ot move it any more than you have to.


                    Originally posted by make_a_wake
                    Something just came to me about the ballast..I ususaly ride with six people 2 kids (65,75) 3 Teens(100-125) and One adult (215) in the boat so would i need as much ballast..?

                    With the taps system and the weight of the total passengers and all the gear your wake will be plenty for an nice oversized wake


                      Re: 21i

                      Originally posted by make_a_wake
                      I recently bought a 2005 21i from my dealer and I have a few questions about it.

                      1. What is the wake like..? should i add ballast..? if need be how much ballast and where..? whats should i set the taps to..for inverts and twists without ballast..? with ballast..?


                      How do you buy a boat and not knowing what the wake is like? Did you not go on a demo and ride? How did you know that this boat has the performance you want? I not saying that it’s a bad boat or you made the wrong choice but it seams to me you don't know what you bought.
                      Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. THAT'S relativity. Albert Einstein


                        Not everyone needs ballast in their boat. I pulled the Intermediate and Advanced division last year at an INT contest with a 22i and no ballast and every rider did all the tricks they knew how to do with no problems.



                          I am assuming the B.C. under his location stands for British Columbia. If that is correct, it should be solid ice up there.
                          Mike Allen, Tigé owner since 1997


                            Originally posted by TeamAllen

                            I am assuming the B.C. under his location stands for British Columbia. If that is correct, it should be solid ice up there.

                            Hay professor allen thanks for the geography 101 lesson......

                            That is no reason for buying a boat with out going on a demo its not iced over all year. When you are good your good it doesn't matter really what boat your are behind but everyone has a preference how doe's anyone know what they preference if the never try some different things out. I sure make_a_wake will be happy with the 21i but I hope they don't change their mind after the see something different that's all, because the worst thing of all is to be in your brand new boat and wish you would have gotten a different model.
                            Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. THAT'S relativity. Albert Einstein


                              To correct Dr.Allen it is not solid ice here due to the mild climate in southren B.C.

                              I have demoed the boat I just haven't riden behind it yet i plan to this May. I actually do not want any other Tige model because the lake I ride on is pretty small and you can't have big boats because it just get to crowded. So the 21i is perfect.
                              The only difference between stupidity and genuis is that genius has its limits.

