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Changing Taps3 for GSA

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    Changing Taps3 for GSA

    Has anyone changed out their taps3 with GSA? If so, I would like to know how it improved the wave and was it worth the money. From some research I have done it creates enough push from the taps alone that you don't have to run extra weight or as much weight as you do with taps, and you get a bigger stronger wave.

    Yes, did it on our last boat (2015 Z3). I provided quite a bit of information here;


      Best upgrade you can do. Ive done it on my rzx and four other close friends with an rzx and z3 have also done it. You just need to make sure it's positioned correctly on install.
      Wave is significantly longer and doesn't fold over as soon which can be found on the taps 3 boats. It also becomes a lot more adjustable, meaning you can change the wave around a lot more catering to the rider. taps 3 deploys a lot further therefore lifting the boat out of the water counteracting the added ballast weight.
      Have you gotten a chance to get out on your new boat yet? It's defiantly a great upgrade but your current setup might be as well.


        agreed with bsreid. great improvement. I've done a whole write up on this here in another post labeled "another gsa thread". check it out and DM me any questions.

        Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk


          As fare as repositioning the actuators, did you guys do gel coat filling or silicone? Watching the video online look fairly easy. I just do not like the thought of 3 visible silicone holes on my hull LOL. Thanks


            I put a SS plate over the holes. Cut it the same shape as the actuator mount and then just screwed in on using the same holes. I wanted to be able to make my set up completely reversible if I decided I didn't want it. That area is pretty well hidden by the swim deck so you have options that wont be noticed. You could just put sealer on the screws and run them back in. That would fill the holes and work just fine. Even paint the screw heads the same color as the gelcoat and hide them even more. Or add a plate like I did so at least the screws look like they are holding something instead of just filling in holes.


              I did the same as unstuck with the plate covering the old holes.
              I also had a new bracket/hinge made for the GSA tabs so the holes matched up with the factory taps 3 ones.
              I upgraded to GSA well before tige or guys on here had and I wanted to ensure it was easily reversible.


                Can ya post a pic of the cover you made


                  Check out this thread for pretty much all the info you need on GSA tabs. You can kind of see the covers I made in a few pictures.



                    I took the boat out for the first time and spent all day on it surfing. The wave looked fine and we surfed the heck out of it on both sides. I did not have a lot of push, anything over 11.4 was a no go on push. Regular had more push than goofy, after taking the boat out and removing the plug water poured out for what seemed like forever, I think I may have found my push issue on goofy side, figure I have a leaking bag or fitting. The best wave I got after trying everything was Bow 65%, Surf rear 100%, non surf rear 70%, surf at 8 middle tap at 6 and 11.2-11.4. Hopefully I find the leak and try it again. My 2012 Wake Setter with 1k lb hard tank ballast and a suction cup had a bigger longer wave with more push. We will work on it and try again. I was hoping you could fill all the tanks evenly with the full 3k, maybe take a little out on the non surf side but that wasn't the case. More weight not mean more push?


                      Well, all bets are off when you have a water leak. You can't make any comparisons about waves and old boats. Any old floating boat will surf better than a new one that's sinking.

                      Fix the leak, fill everything full and you'll get a great wave. Adjust from there and you'll get an awesome wave.


                        I agree brother, I will be happy in long run. This is why I chose a Tige. Just need to fix the leak wherever it is, will post update after we fix it.


                          Lift your panels underneath the rear back lockers to find the sub floor bag. The hose on the top is most likely broken, change it to a 90* fitting as it’s pushing straight up into the underside of the floor.
                          You will also get more push after you add the pnp bags, in the meantime slow down a bit to make up for the loss of weight.


                            Thank you


                              Ok so I have an Aft Port side ballast fill pump out, probably the push issue. Can’t figure out where the water is coming from! Can it be the amount of water that comes over the surf locker when stopping to pick up a down surfer? It doesn’t quite make it through the walk through but it def makes it over the surf locker? Just a thought, still checking for the possibility of a fitting on a bag! This was the last info from the mechanic!

