Hey Colorado Peeps!
Kraig Kaiser has put together the 5th Annual Mile High Meet & Greet set for May 30th.
Here's the details:
Date: May 30th, 2009
Location: Horsetooth Res. Ft. Collins Colorado
Cost: FREEEEEE!!!!!!!
After alot discussion and and with the current state of the economy I've decided to take the event back to it's roots. The first year of the Meet & Greet was all about a group of boarders getting together to reconnect and meet other boarders. And that's exactly what we're going to do this year......but with a few additions.
First of all, I won't be doing a catered BBQ, instead I'm going to let everyone bring their own food and refreshments. I will have grills for everyone to use so no need to bring a grill. There won't be a charge for the event, but there is a charge to enter the park.
I will have all the info up on the www.milehighmeetandgreet.com website in the next day or two. And I do have alot more info to share so check back often. I wanted to get this posted up here on WW for everyone to see and hopefully start planning to attend. I will get an email out to everyone here soon as well with all the info.
So please, start spreading the word to everyone! I look forward to seeing EVERYONE from the past four years of the event. And let me add this, I have always been grateful to everyone who keeps supporting this event. I couldn't do it without ALL of you! It amazed me, as well as a few of our sponsors, at how many people stuck around through all the crazy weather we had last year. Colorado wakeboarders are die hards and last year was proof of that!
Again, stay tuned for more info, I will have more in the next day or two........
Summer is right around the corner, let's get this season kicked off at the 5th Annual MileHigh Meet & Greet!!
Hope to see some of you there!
Kraig Kaiser has put together the 5th Annual Mile High Meet & Greet set for May 30th.
Here's the details:
Date: May 30th, 2009
Location: Horsetooth Res. Ft. Collins Colorado
Cost: FREEEEEE!!!!!!!
After alot discussion and and with the current state of the economy I've decided to take the event back to it's roots. The first year of the Meet & Greet was all about a group of boarders getting together to reconnect and meet other boarders. And that's exactly what we're going to do this year......but with a few additions.
First of all, I won't be doing a catered BBQ, instead I'm going to let everyone bring their own food and refreshments. I will have grills for everyone to use so no need to bring a grill. There won't be a charge for the event, but there is a charge to enter the park.
I will have all the info up on the www.milehighmeetandgreet.com website in the next day or two. And I do have alot more info to share so check back often. I wanted to get this posted up here on WW for everyone to see and hopefully start planning to attend. I will get an email out to everyone here soon as well with all the info.
So please, start spreading the word to everyone! I look forward to seeing EVERYONE from the past four years of the event. And let me add this, I have always been grateful to everyone who keeps supporting this event. I couldn't do it without ALL of you! It amazed me, as well as a few of our sponsors, at how many people stuck around through all the crazy weather we had last year. Colorado wakeboarders are die hards and last year was proof of that!
Again, stay tuned for more info, I will have more in the next day or two........
Summer is right around the corner, let's get this season kicked off at the 5th Annual MileHigh Meet & Greet!!
Hope to see some of you there!
