hehe Crap... Carp. Same difference....
Sounds like you have the same problem as here in the midwest, only ours jump at the boat. In our usual river, the kaskaski, they did the same thing. They began finding them in Lake Carlyle, which means that got through the dam that feeds the river. They are also trying to keep them out of the Great lakes as they are heading up the illinois river as well.
They are bad for the ecosystem as well. They reproduce rapidly and consome most of the resources.
Sounds like you have the same problem as here in the midwest, only ours jump at the boat. In our usual river, the kaskaski, they did the same thing. They began finding them in Lake Carlyle, which means that got through the dam that feeds the river. They are also trying to keep them out of the Great lakes as they are heading up the illinois river as well.
They are bad for the ecosystem as well. They reproduce rapidly and consome most of the resources.