Got this and installed it on Saturday. Tested on the water Sunday.
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My stock is the same as most Tiges, ACME 537(13.5 x 16) The 1235(14.5 x 14.25) adds more push out of the hole and holds better in turns, but adds about 200 RPM. Have also heard it will reduce fuel consumption a little bit because it gets you on plane quicker.
Here is a comparison.
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Overall I was impressed with it and think it is a good investment if you do a lot of surfing and wakeboard and little cruising to no where. And now I have the security of having a spare prop.
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IMG_1225 (Medium).JPG
My stock is the same as most Tiges, ACME 537(13.5 x 16) The 1235(14.5 x 14.25) adds more push out of the hole and holds better in turns, but adds about 200 RPM. Have also heard it will reduce fuel consumption a little bit because it gets you on plane quicker.
Here is a comparison.
IMG_1220 (Medium).JPG
Overall I was impressed with it and think it is a good investment if you do a lot of surfing and wakeboard and little cruising to no where. And now I have the security of having a spare prop.