Just a tip to keep you from messing w/ Jacks on your trailer in the future.
Since you have torsion axles. Take 4 2x6 boards and nail them up in a staggered pattern to make it easy to pull up on them. Make one about 24", the second about 19" the third about 15", the fourth about 10" (you get the point). You can pull or back your good tire on the blown side up on these boards. This will raise the bad tire up off the ground w/o the use of jack. We've done 15 sec. tire changes using this method and an electric impact I carry in my tool box. We started making a game of it this year as I slowly but surely went through 3 tires and a buddy went through 2. Definately saves time and makes it VERY easy to change a tire. Just keep the boards in the boat or in the bed of your truck any time you tow your boat.
Since you have torsion axles. Take 4 2x6 boards and nail them up in a staggered pattern to make it easy to pull up on them. Make one about 24", the second about 19" the third about 15", the fourth about 10" (you get the point). You can pull or back your good tire on the blown side up on these boards. This will raise the bad tire up off the ground w/o the use of jack. We've done 15 sec. tire changes using this method and an electric impact I carry in my tool box. We started making a game of it this year as I slowly but surely went through 3 tires and a buddy went through 2. Definately saves time and makes it VERY easy to change a tire. Just keep the boards in the boat or in the bed of your truck any time you tow your boat.