My Mom & Dad just returned from a cruise to Alaska. They went to a health class while onboard. Somewhere in the discussion it came up that you should never use any sunscreen above 30spf, because it is poisonous to your body.
This was the first I've ever heard of this. I did a quick search on Google and found this one "Green" website that seems to share this viewpoint.
It doesn't mention anything about using above or below 30spf. The only thing I found about that was on a baby website.
"The sun protection factor (SPF) should be at least 15, but you generally don't need to go above 30: Higher than that and you're getting smaller and smaller amounts of added protection — which, in a chemical sunscreen, means a higher dose of unwanted chemicals. It's fine to use a "children's" sunscreen, but don't go out of your way to buy one of these, since they're usually no different from the adult versions."
I obviously haven't done any extensive research and probably won't. I will ask a Dermatologist the next time I get a chance. I also usually think the "green living" ideas are extreme. I use 30 spf myself and plan on continuing to do so. I just thought I would get thoughts from the rest of the TO Family.
This was the first I've ever heard of this. I did a quick search on Google and found this one "Green" website that seems to share this viewpoint.
It doesn't mention anything about using above or below 30spf. The only thing I found about that was on a baby website.
"The sun protection factor (SPF) should be at least 15, but you generally don't need to go above 30: Higher than that and you're getting smaller and smaller amounts of added protection — which, in a chemical sunscreen, means a higher dose of unwanted chemicals. It's fine to use a "children's" sunscreen, but don't go out of your way to buy one of these, since they're usually no different from the adult versions."
I obviously haven't done any extensive research and probably won't. I will ask a Dermatologist the next time I get a chance. I also usually think the "green living" ideas are extreme. I use 30 spf myself and plan on continuing to do so. I just thought I would get thoughts from the rest of the TO Family.